Chapter 28

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Even I was heartbroken by what Zeke had said, I knew he was right. Everything had happen so fast and I completely understood that he needed time to be with himself and to heal and whatnot.

I was going to miss him but this was for the best.

After meeting up with him, I don't straight home, I need to go see Ellie and just make peace with her. She is my best friend and I don't want this little feud to be what makes us fall apart.

When I arrive at their place, Nellie is the one who opens the door and the moment she sees my face, she knows something was wrong.

"Oh my God Lexi, c'mon in." She says as she leads me to the house.

I sit in the sofa and just stare into space, feeling like I just lost a part of me.

"Uh I'm guessing things didn't go good?" She asks as she sits right next to me.

I shake my head, "No. He wants us to take a break away from each other."

"Oh, I'm so sorry." She says soothingly.

"No, it's fine. He's right. We need a break away from each other. What I did was awful and I should have never done it in the first place. A break is exactly what we need now." I say.

"Yeah, of course." Nellie nods, "You know, if you're not feeling too good, you can stay over and I'll call your parents to let them know you're here."

"No need for that." I say to her, "I actually was wondering if I could speak to Ellie."

"Of course, I'll go get her." Nellie says and then walks away.

A couple of seconds later, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and soon, Ellie comes into view. She doesn't meet my eyes and sits opposite me.

I look right into her eyes, "Why? Why did you do that?"

Still unable to meet my eyes she sighs and says, "I was jealous. I had been pinning on this guy forever and never got to date him and you try it and you already got him right under your thumb. I was just jealous and I got even more annoyed when I realized that you didn't even want to go through with the plan any longer! I came up with this crazy plan with Belle and Carter and I regret ever doing that to you."

"I'm sorry too, you were my friend and I should have put you first but I can't control my feelings but none of that even matters anymore, Zeke and I are going on a break."

"No, I'm sorry. I should have just put my jealousy aside and tried to be happy for you. I'm sorry I ruined everything." She says.

"Well, wanna hug it out?" I ask.

"Of course!" She smiles and walks up to me and hugs me tightly, "I'm so glad we are able to talk it all out. I was afraid I was going to lose you."

"You're stuck with me!" I smile after the hug, feeling much lighter than I was before.

"I'm really sorry Alexis, it was stupid of me and I shouldn't have done it and I'm also really sorry about Zeke." She says.

"Zeke wasn't your fault." I say, "So can we put all this behind us once and for all?"

"Bet!" She smiles.

I stay there for a couple of minutes just catching up with my best friend just so glad that this whole crazy fiasco is over and we can just go back to being friends.

After I leave the twins' place, I go back home and just stay holed up in my room for God knows how long. I just want to be with myslef and my thoughts.

The next day, my mum knocks on my door and peeps her head in, "Hey, you hanging in there Lexi?"

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