Chapter 15

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"Put it on speaker, Zeke." I whisper to Zeke, who does exactly that.

"We're uh at home?" Zeke says, somewhat nervously to mum.

"Home?!" Mum shrieks again, making my heart beat faster.

"Uh -"

"Are you guys okay?" Mum's voice softens, "There was a fire outbreak in the neighbourhood, you guys are fine right?"

A huge sigh of relief falls from my lips. I seriously haven't been scared like I was few seconds ago. My heart was beating so loud and fast, I'm probably sure Zeke heard it.

Zeke visibly relaxes too, "Yes ma'am. We're good."

"That's great to hear. I was so worried. Can I speak to Alexis?"

"Sure ma'am." Zeke says.

"Hey mum." I squeak, hoping my voice doesn't give it away.

"Are you okay love?"

"Yeah, I'm alright."

"That's good to hear." She sighs, "I was so worried."

"I'm fine mum." I say, "So where are you guys?"

"Your father and I are still at work. We might not come home early so don't stay up waiting for us. If Zeke wants to stay over, clean the guest room for him." Mum continues, "And Alexis, if you do anything stupid, trust me, you'll regret it!"

"Don't worry mum." I say.

"Bye then. Love you."

"Love you too mum." With that, mum hangs up.

I turn and look at Zeke, "So now what?"

"You can go back home. I'll just spend the night here." He shrugs.

"No way. I'm not leaving you here alone, Zeke." I give him a flat look.

"Well technically, I won't be alone -"

He's cut of by the police man coming to us, "Kids, it's time for you to go to your cell since no one has bailed you out yet."

"Can we do community work instead?" I ask causing Zeke to give me a quick disapproving glance.

"That's if you want to." He shrugs.

"Well, I'll do community work." I say and turn to Zeke, "You?"

"I'll just stay over. I don't want to work. Just a night won't kill me." Zeke says.

"Seriously?" I gape at him, "You're choosing a night at jail over community work?"

"That's like choosing between, Hawaiian pizza and plain cheese pizza."

"Please don't tell me you're one of them?" I hate pizza with pineapples with passion. Like seriously. . . don't get me started.

"Well I am-"

"You kids are wasting my time! Just make up your minds already!" The cop comes in giving us a look.

"Fine, our minds are made up already. We're cleaning instead. Thanks for your time." I say dragging a protesting Zeke away.


Last night, we managed to get home before my parents did and Zeke slept over. The next day, as soon as my parents went to work and when Chance left for school, we both went to go do our community service, as per our punishment.

Currently, we're done and are now at home. Zeke is sprawled on a sofa nearby, his face literally glued to his phone. I swear, this guy can't go a minute without his phone.

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