Chapter 25

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I look at myself in the mirror and a smile graces my lips. I don't want to sound conceited or anything but, I look beautiful.

I'm in a dark green prom gown, that's a little bit off the shoulder and it is showing little cleavage, not that much for me to complain. My makeup too is on point and I like how good it compliments my skin and how it makes me feel and look pretty.

It is not that much to make me look like I was hit my a makeup truck, but it's enough to make me look beautiful, accentuating my facial features.

I'm also very glad mum picked out this dress for me. It's just perfect and seems fit for our theme this year, that is, 'The Enchanted Forest.'

"Alexis! Your date is already in!!! Get your butt here this instant!" Mum yells loudly from downstairs.

"Coming!" I shout back, swallowing my nerves.

Carter's warning is still repeating itself in my head and it has got the gears in my head turning around, my mind all over the place.

No Alexis, don't let the jerk get to you. Enjoy your prom, it comes only once in a lifetime!

I decide to listen to my inner voice instead of worrying over nothing. I take my clutch bag, it's white and sparkly and fill it with all my necessities for the night and strut downstairs, feeling like a celebrity from the looks of awe on my parents and Zeke's face.

And God! Zeke looks hot!! Like insanely hot!

He's in an emerald green tux with matching slacks and shoes. I can't help but notice how his tux match with his pretty eyes. He looks so beautiful right now, it's taking everything in me not to just kiss him senseless right here.

"You look . . . .  stunning Alexis." He smiles at me when I get downstairs.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I mumble back, somewhat shyly.

Smirking, Zeke comes closer to me places a chaste kiss on my cheek, shooting sparks of electricity though me, like he always does when his body comes into contact with mine.

"Aww! You guys are so cute! Lemme me get my camera." Mum says running out of living room, acting all hyper and everything.

"You look beautiful my darlings. Take care of each other. Oh and as usual, curfew is. . . . . " Dad trails off smirking.

Both Zeke and I groan at the mention of curfew. I mean this is prom for crying out loud. It's not like I'm one of those people who are going to be losing their virginities tonight (not that I mind if I do with Zeke) but c'mon, it prom. . .

"There's no curfew!" Dad announces, making us grin widely.

"Thanks a lot dad." I say, running to hugging him.

Mum then skips inside the living room holding a huge camera in her hand. Where did she get that?

"Frank, show me how to go about this thing, will you? I bought this a week ago and I knew it would be useful." Mum says, handing the device to dad.

Dad inspects it weirdly then turns it upside down, "Isn't there a manual?"

"Well, there was but I kinda misplaced it." Mum adds cheekily.

10 minutes later, my parents still don't figure out how to use it and Zeke has to come in. After wasting another ten minutes, we're finally out of the house.

"I don't have my bike neither did I have any money to rent a limo." He says when we walk outside, "Carter's parents kinda confiscated it."

"That's okay. We might as well be the first couple to walk to prom. There's nothing to be embarrassed of. Let's get going already, time's already far spent."

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