Sugar Wax

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What is it?
It is basically wax but without any harsh chemicals because all the ingredients are natural

What you will need:
1 cup of sugar
⅛ cup of water
2 tbs of lemon juice

Pour the ingredients in a pot and pot it on the stove choose the temperature according to how thick your body hair is , the thicker it is the higher the temperature needs to be.

Stir until it boils

Use a thermometer to check until it is a 126°C (260°F)

Put in a jar to let it cool down

How to use it :

Kneel the wax to it is not so solid

Cleanse the area where you want to wax

Put power of any sort ( baby, cornstarch etc)

Put the wax in the opposite direction of hair growth

Go back and forth three times before you rip it off

Put your finger on the area where the hair is removed to cool it down

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