Things guys should never do to girls
-Make fun of her hair , face , body or close seriously don't !!
-Overuse sarcasm
-Flirt with other girls. It doesn't make girls want you more
-Cheat.Never. you will never get away with it
-Make promises that you can't keep , if you can't follow through with it don't say it
-Say “I love you” but don't mean it
-Lie. You will get caught. DON'T under any circumstance lie to a girl
-Deny things that are true. If a girl confronts you about something that she knows is true don't deny it , it will mame things so much worse
- Pressure her. Don't even think about it , if she wants to do something with you she will but don't force her
-Talk about other girls. Don't say that other girls are hot , pretty or even nice we don't wanna hear that
-Say shit behind her back
-Be a dick to her in front of your friends and family
-To make something look like her fault to get yourself out of trouble
-Joke about wanting to break up. It always ends so bad just don't do it
-Tell her that she is overreacting
-Make excuses. If you screw up, don't try to get out of it
-Talk to her when you are mad

Girl Tips 2
CasualeHaircare tips is available This is book 2 check out the first book if you have time