Okay so I'll admit I'm sorta in this position and I needed to know whether a guy likes me or not so I've been reading a lot of these book and I decided to chapter dedicated to this .
My rant about this topic is in the next chapter so check it out⬇
•He rarely turns his back to you
•Might try to make you jealous but flirting with other girls
I really think that he wants to see your reaction to determine whether you like him or not and the girl he might be flirting with might just be a close friend to him•He listens to what you say and remembers the details
Like he might be asking you questions about your family and he is trying to get to know you•He initiates the conversion
So you guys have been talking and the conversion runs dry and he just keeps on talking trying to keep the conversion interesting•He'll be distracted when you are around
So like maybe you enter a room and this guy is sitting there and suddenly he can't focus on his work or even finish his meal maybe he got nervous when he saw you•His putting more thought into what he looks like
Like maybe he wears a tie ,or puts gel on his hair or wears way too much perfume he might be trying to impress you•he starts talking to you regularly
•he picks on you more often
He might tease you or lightly pull your hair he might like you and doesn't want to make it obvious•his smile reaches his eyes
A genuine smile reaches up to your eyes and makes crows feet but a fake one will end by the lipshe says your name often
He might think that you are cute and hold a special place to him .
He might also like your name and like your reaction when he says your name_________
Okay so this tips come from a book I've been reading when I'm confused about a boy .
Please go follow @JuliePham246
Her book has helped me out so much and a couple of weeks ago I told her about my problem and she gave me great advice.So pm me if you want advice to your crush problem and I am willing to help you .

Girl Tips 2
CasualeHaircare tips is available This is book 2 check out the first book if you have time