Shady af comebacks

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*Twinkle twinkle little snitch mind yo business nosey bih

*You remind me of a penny two faced and worthless

*What ? Spreading rumours about me? Well I'm glad you found something else to spread other than your legs

*Too bad you can't Photoshop your ugly personality

*I was going to give you a nasty look but it looks like you already hot one

*Keep rolling your eyes maybe you'll find a brain back there

For fake friends

*I hope that bus you  threw me under swerves and hits you on the sidewalk

*I'd rather have an enemy that slaps me in the face than a fake friend who stabs me in the back

*Fake friends are like shadows , always there at your brightest moments but nowhere to be seen in your darkest hours

*True friends will find a way to help you , fake friends will always find a excuse

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