Things that parents need to understand

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-We love you even if we don't say it

-Instead of saying "because I said so" give us a actual reason so we can understand

-If you see us struggling , guide us , even if we don't want your help we appreciate it

-Sometimes we wanna hide in our rooms and be anti-social

-Times have changed since you were teens , so don't compare us

-Even "good kids" will act out

-We want you to be proud of us

-Don't say we're "talking back" every time we try to explain our point of view

-We don't have to share everything, let us have privacy

-Believe us when we say a teacher is picking on us

-We not gonna be good in every subject in school , so please accept that

-We just trying our best

-Even if we don't always agree please support our decisions

-Don't tell us to act like an adult but treat us like a kid it is confusing and frustrating

-Don't compare us to other kids it really hurts

-Sometimes we don't need a lecture or advice we just need a hug

-We need to make mistakes to grow , so don't expect a perfect child

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