Things guys do that makes our heart skip a beat
-When they play with our hair
-Giving compliments to us
-Start a cuddle session
-Forehead kisses
-Cup our faces when they kiss us
-Buy us something that we mentioned in the pass
-Saying “I love you ” out of the blue
-Licking their lips
-Using nicknames like “baby” or “princess”
-Pulling us close by our waist
-Buying flowers or cute lil gifts
-When they find us beautiful even on our ugly days
-When he puts the video game down just to talk to you
-Defending you if someone says something offensive about you
-Finding out that he talks cutely about you to his friends behind your back
-Lifting their shirt up slightly when off their hoodies

Girl Tips 2
RandomHaircare tips is available This is book 2 check out the first book if you have time