1.Stay offline for 1 day
2.Meditate for 15 minutes
3.Declutter your digital life
4.Identify 3-6 priorities
5.No complaint day
6.Follow a morning ritual
7.Streamline your reading list
8.Downsize your beauty collection
9.Learn to enjoy solitude
10.No e-mail or social media before lunch
11.Evaluate your commitments
12.Define your goals this year
13.Clean out your closet
14.Take a step towards learning a new skill
15.Examine your daily habits
16.Don't buy anything
17.Practice skill-tasking
19.Go for a walk and practice mindfulness
20.No TV , read instead
21.Journal for 20 minutes
22.Create a relaxing bedtime routine
23.Go bare faced
24.Practice gratitude
25.Leave the whole day unplanned
26.Identify your stress triggers
27.Clear out your junk drawer
28.Let out of a goal
29.Turn off your notifications
30.Evulate your last 5 purchases
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Girl Tips 2
RandomHaircare tips is available This is book 2 check out the first book if you have time