-One zit doesn't make you less beautiful
-Skipping one class won't ruin your entire life
-The boy you currently obsessing over won't matter in a year
-Bring a snack to class so what if people hear you eating
-Being popular will never define who you are
-At the end of the day teachers are trying to help you
-Doing drugs doesn't change how cool people think you are
-Neither does alcohol
-Talk to kids who sit alone , it may not have a massive impact on you but it might make them feel so much better
-Participate in school clubs and events
-Wear whatever makes you comfortable and it doesn't matter what other people think about you
-It won't matter if you sit alone for 5 minutes at lunch
-Your school library will help you so much
-Help people who are new to your school
-Its okay to cry
-No matter what happens life always goes on

Girl Tips 2
RandomHaircare tips is available This is book 2 check out the first book if you have time