Part 2 new members

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It had been a few days since the start of my new career and I needed people. So I went looking and found a blond with buns in her hair, a burnt nugget, a reverse pokeball, and a brunette.

"Hello" i said

"Who are you?" Said the brunette

"You can call me wildcard"

The burnt nugget said "how did you find us?" while trying to look intimidating.

"Don't worry i'm not here to hurt you i just want to talk"

That got them to calm down. I let them tell me their story's and then I'll tell mine their story's were heart wrenching to say the least and I found out their names were toga, touya and shoka Todoroki, and ochako uraraka.

Let's start with toga's as apparently everyone else thinks she has a villainous quirk so her family beat her for it and did a lot more than that but once she was 12 she was abandoned and has been living on the streets since then, i forgot to mention that she was disowned by the same parents.

Next are the siblings' stories and they just proved that hero's aren't always good as they explained endahore's harsh training and how they got their scars as well as what happened to their mom which she happened to have been torchered by said trash.

last but not least uraraka her parents were not being paid enough by their contractor so they worked a lot of jobs just to have a house and some food only for them to die when a hero cornered a villain in the area which caused the place to be brought down on them and that she is the soul heiress to the company.

I told my story and decided to help out as they needed to get better and so we started helping out at the construction company but they were using it as a cover up for our real motives. but for how long?

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