part 8 the usj attack

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I let nezu know about the plan and went with it after asking "ok but what does he mean that there is an attack going on the day we have planned it for?"

"Just that today with the media outside there will be a distraction." I answer

"Ok just making sure now, get to class and help them out."

I left after telling nezu about it. Once I got to class I chatted with the other people there but stopped right as aizawa came into class to have us choose our class rep which resulted in me being rep and momo as vice rep. After that aizawa says that next week we will be working off campus and for us to not slack off. At lunch I was talking with the other classmates knowing that something is going to happen today. Soon enough a level three security breach happened with everyone in a state of panic i used my quirk to get everyone's attention by having myself be a living whistle "CALM DOWN IT'S JUST THE PRESS WERE UA STUDENTS TRAINING TO BE NEXT IN THIS WORLD IS THIS HOW WE SHOULD ACT!!!!" I say with a megaphone-like voice.

The students looked outside to see I was right about it being the news and calmed down. Everyone got back to class and we were sent off to the usj not to be attacked but to train the week after. Little do we know we were coming back with all might for a fight.

The week after our normal training at the usj was the day we were originally supposed to go. Once we got there a portal opened up at the fountain with people coming through "hey look they have fake villains!" kirishima exclaimed

"Those are real villains. Thirteen protect the students." Aizawa exclaimed as he jumped down the stairs to fight. The intruders right as kurogiri escaped to the top of the stairs to get to the kids. When a person lands on top of a platform on a pole he didn't show his face and only one of the students noticed him which was me though I didn't announce his presence to everyone knowing that it was my brother in his wildcard persona.

We were suddenly separated by purple mist with me landing in the flood zone after I yelled "get to the school for help Iida you're the fastest one here!"

He saw no point to argue and ran with the ones he didn't warp, helping him get to the door. As I was falling I caught myself with my quirk and landed safely on the boat, tsu came out of the water with mineta in tow. I let the two know this "there are a ton of them but they are only fodder as I can tell which is more dangerous and it's the thing with its brain sticking out of the head. Also things are not as they seem as last week I saw a villain get killed by a hero on purpose."

Tsu remembered things going on with her family as they had done nothing wrong though people think they have and want to put a stop to the oppression. Mineta was kicked out of his own home by his sibling even though she was the one to give him the perverted tendencies he has. All he wants is a nice person to be with and a nice place to live at as he doesnt have much "... I'm in as I was taught that if I act this way I would not get hurt but it was a lie and I never want to go back to that." he said with the others having shocked faces as they didnt know but tsu agreed with izumi leting him know that they have two new members.

"I'll let you know when but for now let's take care of the people here ok?" the others nod and do the same thing they did in cannon with the flick the jump and the stick. Things went well till Izumi was punched by the beast with a beak thanks to Shigaraki's command.

Mountain zone

They were fighting people and momo was feeling the hunger from stress. "Please dont judge me for what's about to happen. Questions after" jiro and kaminari were confused "i'm getting hungry!" With that momo suddenly attacked one of them and started eating them, making a mess with the blood and it freaked the others out with what happened. That was a signal for them to kill the enemy off a bit and that is what they did thanks to the reformance act heroes could kill without consequences and they embraced it a bit as they are traitors and they work for different people.

Back with izumi

I was sent back very far by the punch "nomu kill her!" sigeraki said as I prepare to attack the beast with all of my might. I punch and nothing happens at first only for me to lose a bit so I decide to play a bit dirty and use my quirk to rip the brain of the thing out with him exclaiming that I had cheated for him to run away with the mist man as the nomu was regenerateing the lost part slowly.

The heroes showed up and captured all of them for questioning. Including the one who was watching and the nomu.

After I got caught and put in an interrogation room I used a quirk to make the footage loop and block audio when the heroes sit down.

"Look, I know you have questions and I thank you for not killing me straight away now let's get down to business shall we?"

"We shall! Now what was your involvement in the attack on us?" nezu asked

"I was just watching as I was the one with the warning and the new act was definitely brutal on those that dont deserve it right?"

"True but by chance are you wildcard? We've been wanting to meet with the leader of the outcasts himself."

"Bingo nezu and what would you like to talk about?"

"What exactly do the outcasts do and your base of operations?"

"As for the base we don't have one as why would we need one when it could be found so easily and anywhere is our base. As for what we do, that's up to the members themselves i let them do as they please and i know that some of your students are going to be members as there are already heroes under my command i wont say who though however there will be a break in at the government in a few months to take down the act that doesn't give us a chance of reformation i met one of the heroes outside and she said and i quote "heros are taught how to use their quirks in non lethal ways but with the act they say screw it and do the opposite" is this the standard that we want no it is not that is our goal to let people know that others are suffering more than them."

"How about we work together to tear the act down"

"Deal and don't worry the sports festival is going to happen anyway"

After that I was going to be taken away but a portal opened up and I fell through it to get away. "Thanks for the chat nezu" i said as i fell.

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