part 10 a new freind?

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After a bit once we got home I asked izumi "do you know anyone with pink hair?"

"Yah i do there are two people that i know who have that color hair why?"

"well during the meeting i had with stain a bullet came flying towards me and when i looked i saw only pink hair"

"well there's mina and mei mina doesn't use guns and mei is in the support depo so i'll talk with her tomorrow also i need a upgrade to my hero suit anyway"

"see if you can get her to join. I also have a back up plan that may require a support person in case it fails. Also keep an eye out for anything interesting. alright?"

"Sure thing" I say as I walk away from home as I had done a lot and today was a school day and the day things changed.

i was called to nezus office before class once more as everyone is confused at first but decides not to question it. as i walked someone tried to trip me thinking i wasn't paying attention to my surroundings oh how wrong they were as i had jumped over him and continued on my way "she's hot but she probably thinks that she is the best with her in 1-A along with her classmates" i stop and turn around to look at them.

"That is a misconception. Yes we dealt with villains but were we aware of it no no we were not also could you tell me where the rumor started? i'd really like to know how this came about also i know that you are in class 1-C so dont think i'm better that you because i'm in the hero course we are all people here.'' I say as I turn back around.

"My teacher said that and I see that his view is wrong but he is pushing that onto us which was worsened by one of your classmates." he said

"thank you i'll let nezu know about this as this is not proper teaching." I say while walking to my destination.

once i got to nezu's office i sat down and start talking to him about things "nezu did you know that one of your teachers is spreading lies about me and my classmates?" he was a bit shocked but calmed down enough to answer

"no but if you could tell me which one and how you came across this information?" he asked

"It was on my way here when a student tried to trip me. After that failed, I had a chat with him. He is from class 1-C and his teacher is not properly educated when teaching."

"hmm i'll have a chat with him later about that also i will hold a meeting soon can your brother please join it to present what is wrong with the act?"

"I'll let him know about that and just so you know hosu was taken over by us by complete accident as we have no clue as to how this happened."

"alright you may return to class izumi thank you for your time" he said as i walk back to class

(all might)

As I was walking down the street I saw the brutality that heroes caused to villains as people were protesting peacefully to take down the act but a hero used violence against them. I was tempted to jump in and save them but I didn't want to use any more time left because before I could bulk up it was over. All of the protesters were slaughtered. I was really reconsidering retirement from hero work. Once I got to ua I walked past izumi "you're right about the act but who's to say stop if this happened to another time."

"Now you see the world, I see not the bright, calm and peaceful world you thought it was. what did you see to solidify that?"

"a peaceful protest slaughtered before i could do anything."

that made her eyes widen "this changes nothing except add more fuel to the fire soon a war will break out hero and villain or hero and military."

"how do you think it will end?"

"either the act is taken down or we lose for now we have no clue." she said while walking away

as I head off to the meeting about which side we will choose.


It had been a while since we had a new member but I knew our leader was planning something for us to win. izumi came in and let everyone know to pay attention to what mr aizawa had to say "good you are all here" he gave us the news and a reason why things were going downhill. He also let us know about upgrading our costumes at the support course. After classes izumi uraraka and i went there to see what they have in store only for the doors to blow off in front of us before we got there.

"darn it hatsumei i told you not to connect those wires!"

"The mother of invention is progress."

two people argued and we ended up getting random gear put on us with her trying to cop a feel on izumi for her to grab herself instead. powerloader needed to have a break and we let him go knowing that this was an act from her. "Nice gun you have here." izumi said while holding a briefcase up and open.

"Hey, don't touch that!" she said

"Well then let's make a deal then shall we?"

"What kind of deal?"

"Our leader will need someone to build something for us and that is where you come in. We can pay you for this-"no thanks." she interrupts about to get up

"i didn't say how much or the reason yet" izumi continued.

"i don't want to get paid by villains or be apart of your plans"

"well the people you would like to will only kill people who have done nothing wrong"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Earlier today a peaceful protest was going on to take down the act that the group was formed to take down as a hero showed up another was about to stop them but all of the protesters were killed in cold blood and the hero that saw this happen was mr. number one himself all might."

"And when did the protest happen?"

"this morning so very recently"

that was the kicker "so your groups goal is to take down this act correct?" izumi nods "i'll think about it if what you say is true"

"i can also arrange a meeting with our boss so that he can fill you in"

"I'll take the meeting but I'll need more time, ok?"

"Sure, we also need new suits as well as redesign them."

"well then let's get started"

Meanwhile, the staff of ua were in a meeting with izuku about something new.


i was there with a lot of heros surrounding me but not attacking me. "Let's get this started shall we?" i ask

"Before we started on my way here I saw a group of peaceful protesters get slaughtered before I could even power up and stop the hero that killed them." All might said with others gasping and that got me to think

'The people are doing nothing wrong, it seems like I need to put out the announcement earlier than expected' "it seems the situation has gotten worse than we anticipated. Also something bad might happen at an event in a few weeks." I said with nezu asking what i mean only for me to look over at all might.

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