Part 14 izuku's announcement and the meeting

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The television turned on and people look to see wildcard on screen "hello people of japan i am know to the heros as wildcard and i am here to tell you that some of your so called hero's are fake and kill villains who have a reason to do what they do the act that was put up only makes it worse for us as well as you. You might be wondering if you can trust what I say, the answer is unknown. This message is to let everyone know that if the act that allows heros to commit unheroic acts in public or there will be war! This act affects everyone in this country and the concrete of this society will crack and fall away leaving chaos behind if either side wins. The outcasts grow more and more and you won't know when we will hit because this is a warning to take down the act or we will do so for you!" the tv's cut off and nothing was said till someone asked if he was wrong but that ended poorly and chaos ensued.

Things were hectic after that and izuku reflected back to the previous day when he got to the meeting.



"Hello redestro, my name is wildcard and you probably heard about our mission correct?" I ask

"You are correct wildcard but how did you find our ua spy?" he asked

"My spy found her but who said I only have one there?"

"True but how are you going to accomplish your goal along with other parties?"

"I will give a warning of what is to come in the future and if they don't heed it and take down the act, let's just say there will be blood. After all, I will be broadcasting what they've been doing the entire time and add the threat at the end." I say with a grin "I also have a backup plan just in case but it will cause me well this me to die but another to live in a more peaceful time and I have the key" I say swaying from side to side.

This creeped him out but also intrigued him "is time part of the second plan?" he asked

"Yes that and i need a specific quirk to do so and i don't have it yet but that's my little secret"


'I need to find that quirk fast otherwise i'll die then and there' i think and remember that izumi was getting her provisional hero license with her class today.


We had watched the announcement that morning and had a bit of a ruckus. It was settled easily but now when the provisional licenses were announced we got excited about said license and we are on our way to the test for it. One hour had passed when we got to the test site. Everything was normal at first till toga came out of nowhere and took some of my blood and telling me this "we found the base of the yakuza and where overhaul as well as eri are head to nighteyes agency to save her also the place its at *whispers address to izumi* twice and i will be there and the signal to switch is your friend Iida's hand movement and for the part to work i need some of your blood"

"Alright thanks for the information and making sure I passed i'll let the others know" I say as I tap the ball to her final plate getting her out of the exam and for me to pass on to the second part of the exam where we will save people and fight a hero who looks like a villain. I head to the others in the outcasts and signal them that I have info for later.

The announcer announces the second exam with a yawn 'does he get any sleep or is that his personality?' I wondered to myself. As the actors came onto the test site I knew this will prove who can and can't be a hero. As we head out I find a lot of people who have been hurt in the explosion. I pick them up with my quirk and say "don't worry you're safe i get you to the safe space." As I ran and got the people there I made sure that the people were safe and let the ones with quirks to help them do just that "make sure the injured get somewhere safe and their wounds are healed." I yelled at the other examiners as I was heading out to find more. Things happen and gang orca comes in. I had to hold him back from attacking the civilians. Everyone passed and I knew that overhaul was going to pay for taking my daughter. All I needed was an internship.

Back at ua with the outcasts in the school

"We need to find an internship before we attack the yakuza and there is no way I am not giving that asshole a chance to escape with Eri even if it's over my dead body!" i say while relaying the info toga gave me with a determined expression.

"Let's do this and get Eri back!" they said in unison.

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