Part 12 finals and new members

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ua accepted Melissa with open arms with the knowledge of what happened on I-island and her involvement in stopping it. A meeting is held with split votes as there are personal reasons to why they don't want to join in the first place while izuku is there knowing that they need the info to do what they need to in order to stop the act. 'Maybe just maybe the revolutionary army could join and give us a hand but I will need to find out who he really is before I do.' izuku thought.



i was asking redestro about the outcasts over the phone "wait there's another group there?" he asked

"Yes but it seems that their goals align with ours in a way. Should I reveal myself to her?" i ask

"If it's only one person there, yes but only to them do you know what their goal is?"

"Not yet but by the sound of things i think it has to do with the act where villains have to be killed and they are trying to take it down."

"Get me a meeting with their leader about it and then i'll decide for myself"

"Good he was actually wanting to meet with you anyway" I heard from the doorway of my room. I look and see izumi there with a smile "just know he's in the middle of getting the entirety of the ua staff to join in on this plan"

"What do you mean by that?" he asked her

"What i mean is that there are people who are suffering because of this act because think about it people will do what they need to in order to survive even if it means becoming a villain also the act applies to heroes getting away with murder even if the crime is as inconventional as protesting you saw the news right? There was a peaceful protest going on and a hero killed every protester there not only that but the act restricts quirk usage and lets a hero do what they need to to get the job done." She explains how it affects our group as well. I was shocked at the example she used.

"That is a good point but when will I meet your leader?" he asked

"How does tomorrow sound as he is not in a good mood thanks to the yakuza kidnapping my daughter who is his niece." she said while walking away

Back with izuku


I noticed someone coming at me and it was one of the teachers there only he was coming with the intent to kill. "You bastard!" he yelled

"And i was just calm too" i said with a sigh as i prepared for this but something unexpected happened.

While he tried to attack me I noticed that there was a laser dot on his head and then a bullethole when he threw the punch as he collapsed dead. I look over to see my sis with a laser pointer having finished the flick to kill him. Nezu came out and asked "what happened?"

"He tried to attack me but was shot somehow"

"Ah ok just letting you know we will be joining your group." nezu stated

"Ah good also izumi do you have any news?" i ask

"Yes I do bro, the leader of the revolutionary army is willing to meet with you for somethings ask jiro and she will take you there" she said.

"Alright also be careful during finals and don't forget to study." i say while leaving

"I won't," she replied as I walked away.


The next week was the start for the final exams for us and we had studied for it. Momo got first on the written exam and the rest of the people had the same scores as for Katsumi. She got right below her brother along with shoka who was below shoto.

Now it's time for the practical and thanks to info we managed to pass well at first sato and kirishima won by kiri digging below himself to get the upper hand on cementos by putting the handcuffs on him from underground.

Kaminari and Mina managed to escape by dodging the rubble sent at them by nezu who was using chain reactions with a wrecking ball.

Sero helped Mineta but still passed out during it so he still failed.

Shoka and Katsumi were against vlad king who tried to fight back but he was out matched by the students and he was frozen by Shoka while he had one arm out and Katsumi cuffed him.

The rest go the same with those who won. izumi in place of her brother. In the end only Sero lost the finals to go to camp.


Izuku was going to visit toga and dabi to see how things are going and sence stain is on his side when they met up he gave stain info on the next ones he can attack. He had given him a few more heroes in the next area he is going to. Once he got in "hey crusty how have things been?"

"Oh great not you again" he said as he had gotten comfortable.

"When is the announcement going to be made dad?" he asked the old tv


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