Part 13 AFO'S Announcement

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The next few days were as normal as they could be for the class. All of class 1-A were on the bus on the way to the camp when a sudden announcement came on for all of japan to see "hello japan i am afo the current or previous number one villain. The reason I am saying this is I am retiring from the spot and won't take it back. The fools who look down on villains as a disses are wrong. We have our own reasons to do the things we do. The heroes who don't kill are the true ones. The act gives us more hate to affect others. Villains do it to survive. So think twice about what to classify as a villain." and the tv shuts off before the news comes on and everyone has a bewildered face not knowing what happened everything went as normal from there.

but during the time we were in the woods with the wild wild pussy cats i went with tsu and we had some fun😏 at the hot springs.

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