Part 7 the first hero lesson

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It was the next day and Nezu actually asked the hero commissions about the public executions. They revealed that they had signed an act for villain's who they consider lawbreakers even if they have a reason to listen to does it really matter. Nezu was pissed and let them go back to their duties as for me the witness of the crime they want me gone and for me to be treated like a villain anywhere it could happen. I could only watch as this unfolded upon us. "This is not fair but then again life hasn't been fair to anyone." I say

"That is true miss Izumi but I won't listen to them if they want me to expel you as you are a link to someone that we could use on our side however I think that you could help with getting rid of the false heroes. What do you say?" nezu asked

"Thanks and it's most likely to happen anyway though we could use some info from the hero network as you will need to meet with the boss of our little group." I said and yes Nezu knew about the outcasts as he wanted to know what they are up to and meet with Izumi a few times a month, yes even before she went to UA.

"How long would it take?" Nezu asked

"Depends on how busy he is as it also affects his mood and how he can chat with everyone else like he won't deal with anyones stuff if he's in a bad mood but other than that it will be pretty quick just know dont ask him about how he feels with this also we are still getting people to join us also the main area is actually mistafu just know he hates all might so dont bring him along if you want things to be peaceful he will offer drinks or play a game while you chat take him up on those as he does it to show a sign of respect to people. Just be aware of those things if you don't want to be on his bad side." I explain

"I will keep that in mind thank you" nezu replied

"Your welcome any way got to get to class" I say as I run off to class.

I start running to get to class and get there right before class was about to start and everyone was ready to go for hero training while wondering who the teacher is when the door flies open "I AM COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON" all might said while being in an odd position. He then marched to the front of the class "THIS IS HEROICS 101 BUT WHAT MAKES A HERO RECOGNIZABLE? NONE OTHER THAN THEIR COSTUMES" he pressed a button and the walls open up and the hero suits appear "PUT THEM ON AND MEET ME AT GROUND BETA!"

They leave to change into their costumes. While changing, Izumi noticed Mina was looking down at herself with a sad expression so she went over to Mina and gave her a hug from behind and then did something flirtatious such as grabbing her waist making her "eep!" It caught the attention of the other girls in the room with them.

"What are you doing midoriya?" Uraraka asked

"I was comforting ashido because it looked like she didn't like her figure or something like that and was letting her know she's perfect the way she is through action." Izumi explained


I blushed a bit of purple because of the touch and what I felt at my rear end realising that if it was just them Izumi could have had her way with me but didn't. So i thought 'what if ejiro and i could do such acts to each other without them getting in the way.'


I heard perverted laughter from a hole in the wall and flicked a pebble through to the other side "AAAAAHHHHH MY EYE!" someone yelled from the other side. 'They never learn, do they?' I think as we head to ground beta ready to go. My costume is like my moms but with my own twist with it and I already had a hero name ready for myself.

Minutes later

We get to the training grounds to find him there ready and waiting for us. "I WAS WAITING FOR MY STUDENTS BUT ALL I SEE IN FRONT OF ME ARE HEROS" all might said and proceed to tell us the rules and the sequence as well as who we are teamed up with. I was teamed up with katsumi and on the villain end as the fourth battle that day our opponents were Denki and Jiro. They lost before they even attacked us with one explosion from Katsumi, both of them were down. We went back in with everyone confused with what was going on. All might asked who the mvp of the match was when momo raised her hand and said "katsumi was the mvp as izumi was hanging back just in case they needed to defend while the other attacked!"

"I agree with that as that was our plan and if they managed to get past her she could always get back to me to help. You always need to be ready for anything as well as ready for your opponents to be hiding anywhere when in their bases." I add

"YOU ARE INDEED CORRECT, YOUNG YAOYOROZU AND YOU TOO YOUNG MIDORIYA!" all might said while we were waiting the rest went about the same except for the first one as uraraka paired up with shoka todoroki and they had one hell of a fight.

We had returned home after that day and asked ku if dad is up to anything or any of the outcasts "izumi we found someone who needs to be with them as he will help him with what we have to do. We share a goal and I would like you to get him on our side anything new though?"

"Yes when can you meet with nezu cause he has important info and plans for us. Have ingenium, find him and chat with him about it as I can tell he will be the next target with how he attacks the heroes." I reply

"I'll let myself be captured at the usj and ask to talk with nezu about info just now I'll need help with getting more people, anyone in mind?"

"A few of my classmates will do, I know that Iida will get pissed at his brother for it till I explain the situation."

"Good and let nezu know i'll be there but to do two trips to the usj one earlier and one the day scheduled so that you can get practice in both areas. Now get to bed you do have school tomorrow don't you?"

"Will do." I say while heading to bed.

(happy new years yall)

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