Part 9 the sports festival the meeting and internships

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Aizawa walked into class while everyone was seated and quietly waiting for him. "The ua sports festival is coming up" everyone kept quiet but they were excited to show what they have. They also have a full week to train for it. The outcasts gained tsu, mineta, jiro, and kaminari after the usj.

At first when everyone was coming out izumi noticed that it was by class and when it was announced that it was a race at the sign of go she took off bouncing off the walls in the tunnel over the others as she ran with no stoping in mind as the other members of her class followed suit with todoroki in the lead for now as at the robo inferno she got a board out of a chunk of robot armor and started surfing on it to gain speed. She quickly caught up with shoto when he was at the pit and passed him at the minefield.

the cavalry battle was announced with izumi having ten million points on her head making her a target for this happening she knew that she would be on her own at first as uraraka and hatsume approached her to team up as they were about to get ready for the battle they needed another person to join them. They approached tokoyami for the final one of their group. "Lets collect some points first then we will hang back"


No one could stop them as once the horn started they went ahead to grab a few points from the people that came after them first. As time passed they had taken more points as well as shifted the ten million around till it was suddenly snagged by shoto after Iida used a recipro burst and they kept out of the others way for the rest of the game winning it.

The race was won by izumi but shoto won the cavalry battle but the tournament will be different this time as it is a free for all. Once the horn started everyone started to fight. Mei was the first out of the ring thanks to Ibara using her vines who was sped out with kaminari still tied up in her vines. Shinso got an explosion to the face sending him out of bounds with Iida being thrown out by izumi. Momo was knocked out by tokoyami who was taken out by sero. Ayoyama tried to knock them out with his lazer only to be hit by mina at the same time as uraraka throwing out both kirishima and tetsutetsu. Shoto sent sero out of the ring with his ice on the ground but he wanted to freeze everyone else but failed as it was now a battle to see who would be first. Izumi managed to get through to shoto for him to use his flames. Katsuki came in with a howitzer impact and Izumi with a telekinetic punch with ofa enhancing it. The teachers tried to intervene but were too late as todoroki was sent out of the ring and into a wall koing himself izumi tried to stay in but the force sent her out a bit after shoto leaving katsuki as the winner. The explosion sent him up into the air and he landed on his back once he hit the ground but he got up and showed that he won it all.

Katsuki won the sports festival with izumi in second and shoto in third but while that happened ingenium found stain and directed him to where izuku would be "i won't tell anyone i found you accept him as he agrees that there are fake heroes in this world but the true ones are the ones proving themselves that they only kill if necessary." he reasoned

"Tell him and only him that i will be at the meating place or its your head on this sword"

"Will do" pulls out phone 'got him to meet with you boss'

'Good you are free to go on anything you need to tensei'

"Told him and only him as promised, i will go now" he said as he ran away

Izuku was watching the sports festival on tv when he got those texts from ingenium. 'Heh let's get ready for the meeting with the hero killer and direct him down the correct path,' he thought as he left his home.

At ua the students of 1-A are choosing hero names and things were going very well mina went with the hero name 'acid queen'

Izumi used a variant of her mom's hero name 'viridian storm'

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