Part 15 brutality of a mother

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I was chatting with all might about the internships and went with nighteye. All might got mirio to help me with it. When we got to sir's office he was going to shut me down without a second thought but i told him "look i get that you don't want me here but i have information on the yakuza that you need" he got interested on why i said that

"What do you mean by that?" he asked

"Few months ago my daughter was kidnapped by them. Her name is Eri and she is in danger from them."

"Why should I care about that?"

"I get that but the reason they were after her is because of her quirk rewind not to mention there could be spies in their ranks."

He was confused but then realized that I was a member of the outcasts. "Why should i believe you for all i know you could be lying to me to gain my trust and then backstab me"

"I get your concerns but you are not the enemy for us the yakuza are and lets just say if what they are doing is what i think they are doing i'll use the act to my advantage when i find out where they are and do what i must to save her."

He thought about what I said for a bit before stamping the paper and telling me to start tomorrow.

Few weeks later

Mirio and I were patrolling the streets when Eri bumped into me and I could tell that not even hell would save him. Mirio asked "hi there what's your name?"

"Mommy please get me away from the bad man." Eri said in fear

Mirio was shocked but i hugged her and said that she is safe in my arms but a voice came out of nowhere "well well well thanks for finding my daughter" overwhore said.

"Excuse me but" i pull out the adoption papers "she is my daughter"

He was perplexed as to what i was talking about but read the papers and was going to destroy them "these are fake" he said

"Not as fake as you are" i retorted with a smile as i take the papers back and put them away "also they are real and Eri here is legally my daughter so thanks for returning her"

Mirio was confused and overwhore took Eri back after blowing off my arms and head. Eri was taken but thankfully i had a regen quirk thanks to my brother but he was gone and we reported it to sir. Unfortunately she thought i had died but i didn't. We went back and told sir what happened, he was not happy but wondered how many quirks i have on me.



I was with fat gum and sun eater when a gun was fired and something hit sun eater while I ran after the shooter. I saved a few after he used trigger I went into red riot unbreakable and fat gum stopped him permanently and let me know that I helped save a drug for them to analyze later.


I was still in the lov and things were still the same though if we had attacked the camp like we originally planned our base would have been found out but thanks to the quick thinking of my boss we were able to avoid that and we now have ragdolls quirk for afo and my boss while she still has it not only that but we had a meeting with the yakuza and were going to betray them by giving heroes info on what their plan is if they find out about eri and all we need is a sign from izumi and it will begin.

The meeting went well and I noticed that both had crossed their fingers behind their backs. Thankfully I was given a copy of compresses quirk and if I find eri first I will use it to get her out of there. I will also make sure it seems as if she left with no one noticing. That is if i'm not dead by then.


Got the message to toga with an affirmative from her end. Now it's time to save her and help her out. This might be close to the finale of this and I was ready to kill.

The meeting goes as usual with me getting a notice from toga through a picture she showed them which helped considerably. With the notion of the drugs going through them i revealed that this wasn't the first attempt on quirk erasure bullets and that the first time was on izuku but when they test it out he ends up with the entire quirk so it was a bust and was scrapped by afo who stopped the entire operation by himself and saved him. The next few days were for training and the raid was on the way.

Few days later

We were at the base and it was already chaotic with them unprepared for us to show up that day and sure enough the raid went fast but it turns out that toga was found out and was almost killed had she not given eri back to him to save herself. During the raid izumi signaled that it was time and they helped reveal mimic so he was captured along with a few others the fight went on for a while with us getting separated left and right with just me, sir, and mirio left to fight overhaul but in the first few seconds of the fight sir had died by being impaled, mirio nearly lost his quirk but was saved by izumi by sending the bullet back to sender. The two of us teamed up to stop him but then mirio was gone and no one knew where he went till later so it was just me left to fight him. As he sent the spikes at me I was launching rocks at him while dodging. He lost an arm due to the rock and nearly lost his head as well but it was a stalemate for a while till uraraka, tsu and ryuko came busting in through the roof allowing for me to make him a torso and a head left sense i used my own quirk on him and like that the raid was over. As for where mirio was he had to help aizawa with the squid dude.

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