Part 17 ten year war (sequel?)

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we lost toru and mashero on the first attack. Iida used himself as bait with shoto and we never heard from them sense then and that was month two. Shoka showed up with the corps of her mother, sister, and brother each in their own urns with her father on her heels due to her being missing the entire time and we managed to kill him by having his legs get ripped off thanks to mineta, then his arms thanks to mina and finally his head from eijiro month two, week two. All Might and Aizawa died by ambush all for one was killed in his own home wildcard found the entirety of the revolutionary army dead and it was there he found the two that were missing for months after so many successes that was year one. The rest of the ua staff were charged with treason for their actions and executed along with many civilians and villains alike over the course of the year year> 2 / 1 <month. Lost kami and jiro and found them dead later on that week with momo creating a mini nuke while she was surrounded by the enemy and she detonated it taking out their main base while we got kamuii woods and a bunch more over the month 2/2. Lost class 1B due to crossfire along with the other classes at ua 2/3. Over the course of years 3, 4, 5, and 6 they lost most of their military but we lost koji, mineta, shoji, sato, shoka, ayoama, sero, tokoyami, and ojiro while they were exhausted, mitsuki was killed later on in the sixth year. Years 7, 8 and 9 we lost tsu, uraraka, katsumi, katsuki, ejiro and mina while they had taken down more than enough for us to gain a foothold only for it to fall apart during year 10 where i had died only then did i understand my brothers plan as he was heavily wounded he said "im sorry izumi but i'll change something that should not have happened." he puts his hand to his ear and says "time for plan b" and then crushes the earpiece so they can't track it and in a white flash of light he was gone and i had died from blood loss.


After those words i fire up the machine and with eri i walk through right before they showed up a bomb went off as soon as they entered the lab and it destroyed the machine beyond repare and killed the ones there as it was conected to the nukulare generator blowing up everything that once was ua.

(hey everyone this is the end for this part of the story but the next one will be out later on with a twist ill let you try and figure out when izuku will re appear find out next time when the book is out also the series will be on hiatus once i finish writing it also -shadow)

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