i expo chaos part 11

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I was flying with allmight to meet some people and get help from them as a just in case. once we land we get checked in to the expo i end up meeting melissa shield all mights niece. as we talked i ended up meeting up with my friends and fellow outcasts.

Everything went well at first till i met my brother there as he was sent there by his boss to check in on the casino on i island. "Hey sis there will be an attack here later when the heroes are all gathered together let the other outcasts that are here know and you can choose if you want to reveal yourself here or not."

"Thanks for the warning and I'll think about the reveal." I say

We walk away from each other and go back to what we were doing before. Later on I get the full gauntlet which can help me control ofa with no limit when I get a video call from dad. "Hello?"

"Hey mom" i hear from the other end with the most adorable looking kid on the other end

"Hey sweetie, how are you doing?" I ask my daughter

"I'm doing well mom thanks for asking but i would like to know what this is" she said while holding up a particular looking toy (no it's not a dildo i won't ruin her like that she is to presses for that)

"Eri, that is a doll you can play with because it's for you but why are you calling me?" I explain then ask

"The bad man is here and is after me grandpa is protecting me the best he can!" She said in a frightened tone as I was starting to get pissed at them for going after my daughter.

"Listen to me eri if you are taken from us we will get you back no matter what i will tell uncle about this heh the act might come in handy for this but stay safe for me hun ok?"

"Ok mom but do you promise?" She asked

"I promise" I say as she hangs up and hides while I have a furious look on me. A bit later I find izuku, ochako and momo talking to each other when I come over.

"Hey sis what's wrong?" He asked

"They found her and are attacking dad just to get her." I say as his eyes widen and he grits his teeth and a shadow forms over his eyes to signal his anger.

"How did this happen?"

"I have no clue but after this we can make them pay but we will need help from others bit let's also get some spy's into the place" i say with a grin

Little did we know that someone was listening in on us but that is for a later date. As the festivities go up I remember that I had legally adopted eri with court approval and that i always kept the paper proving it on me at all times. I called dad to learn that they took her to which I told him to point shigi to learn how to betray your own allies from other groups. He liked the sound of that. After the call was done I was with the rest when the party was crashed. We were in hiding and got the message my brother came out of hiding to help us with this as he grabbed a piece of Melissa's hair and ate it through his mask. 'ohh this will do nicely' "there is something off with you ms shield as you were misdiagnosed." he said

"What do you mean?"

"It's his quirk. I should know I am the messenger for him after all." i say with people getting confused "he can copy and or take specific quirks from three categories and he just copied yours"

"But how I'm quirkless!" she asked

"That is not the case then because you do have one and it's a very powerful technopathic quirk" wildcard said

"What did you say izumi? Are you a traitor?" Jiro asked

"No im an informant for nezu as he agrees that the act back home must be brought down" i say

As we head up to the main control center we get into fights with different things such as the security of the island or the villains that are attacking the place. on the way up though Melissa asked "what happened in japan that did this to you both?"

"long story that won't paint heros in the brightest lite" i say "also your welcome to transfer over to Ua after all this is resolved."

confusion wells up on her face as they head up to where we need to be. my brother disappeared on us once we got to the top. When David showed up with his partner we saw what he was up to and she understood that the backlash would be on her so things worked out she whispered to me about joining my group under a different name. "you sure?"

"I am but the name will be the tinker alright?"

"alright no turning back just so you know"

"I'm fine with that" she said as wolfram revealed the reason as to what he did and shot the one next to david but the suitcase was not in wolfram's hands it was in izumi's she put it on melissa and activated it to see what she could do with it.


Once the device was put on my head it activated. I felt as if I could control the entirety of i-island and I used it to undo the security and redirect the drones from the heroes to the villains attacking and trashing the place. I kept it on my head as wildcard came and helped out by taking his quirk entirely as the heroes were given the praise. i went to japan with them after asking my dad to switch over to ua "why do you want to switch over to ua sweetie?"

"what you have done will leave a massive backlash on everyone here also i'm keeping this just in case." I say that was the reason. while i left my friends on the island came to see me off knowing it was for the best.

I use the device when I need to when helping out others and during my stay with them I met another mei hatsumei from class 1-H and we got along very well.

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