Part 5 the uprising

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I was walking home with the others when we saw a fight break out between a hero and a villain after that the villain was killed. I grabbed a piece of hair from the person only to see it was one of the outcasts so I took a pic with her phone and sent it to izuku that an outcast was killed by a hero.


I was in a game with the female school teachers of ua, they were blackout drunk and sense we were in a privet room one of them suggested strip poker. it was against the house so the guests were loosing big time as all of them were down to their panties as they had lost the last game before passing out after taking off the last peace of clothing they had. thankfully this was a common occurrence so he redressed them and drove them back to ua where Aizawa was waiting there for them "again?" he asked

"again but i put their clothes back on also their out cold" I reply before checking my messages to see what Izumi sent me. he saw that I had one of his students numbers and asked why I have her number

"I'm her brother and apparently villains are being given public execution's now" I reply

"oh ok just making sure also what do you mean?" he asked while I gave him his female companions

"apparently now if you steal for a reason you get killed that is not right at least give them a chance to have a voice of reason." I explain

he thought about it for a bit and agreed that the hero did something wrong and decided to make a note of it to nezu.

later on though I run into a female with her best friend talking about her quirk it was an interesting one so he used his quirk transfer ability and found out it could only be used by females. I got home and ask my sister if she would like a quirk that could help her mate with her own gender. "its too good to be true but yes if you do have it" she said and I put my hand on her head and give her the quirk for her to feel something growing from her. she was shocked that he found the quirk needed for her fantasy to come true literally. she hugged him and thanked him for it.

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