Part 6 the introduction to the hero course

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Two weeks have passed and I had gotten a letter from UA for the girls. I had sued them but the sue was reversed by them saying "your the one that started this!" and it turned into a double sue situation with them losing because of the letter I had as evidence. they admitted to it and blamed me for replacing the middle man that was originally there. I explained that the original middle man was not giving the workers enough money to live properly and that he was not giving the company a bad rep with low paying jobs, them not getting enough food barely enough for the homes that the workers live in and not to mention their daughter who inherited the company from her dead parents who were in there after a hero chased a villain into a construction site which brought the entire building down. with that the case was won by us when an assassin was about to shoot me for it to be blocked by eraserhead and the assassin was sent to jail with the other company was forced to shut down but it was changed to me with me being the victim when I said i let a hero know about this case and was waiting for something dirty to happen to me because you and your company being desperate for this. they said how do we know that it wasn't you who called it with me replying if I did then the hero's wouldn't know about it plus it would have been on you and me. they could not deny it any longer after that but i still lost the case due to lack of evedence to prove that the other side is corupted.

That is what happened at court but things got better as I had found out that my sibling and wives are in the hero course with some old friends. Though momo did kill someone again thankfully someone got there without her knowing and tried to rape her only to end up dead and the person was one of our group who knew about her condition.


It was the first day of class and we were excited though as soon as we opened the door, we were greeted by an argument between two people. We just walked to our seats because of it though the argument was giving me a headache but right as i was about to stop the argument myself the teacher came in and the noise stopped. "Good at least you know when to quiet down. Now put these on and meet me outside." he said as he pulled something out of his sleeping bag.


While we were changing I noticed that the other girls other than the ones that know me are looking at me. "What do you need?" i ask

"Where did you get those scars from? And someone is going to peep on us. Can you help?" a frog girl asked first while a tomboy asked for help.

"For the first one harsh training and for the second sure i'll help"

"Thanks" the tomboy said

I looked through and saw an eye so I pulled out a pebble and used my quirk to hit the boy in the eye and swing it around to hit him into the wall. He screamed in pain while we finished changing. While looking around the room I saw someone that my brother described when he saw her working at the stripper part of the casino. I decided to learn more about her later as we have something to do right now. Once we got out there our teacher had us do a series of fiscal tests that we did in middle school but we can now use our quirks. I was used as the demonstration for the ball throw and I got 975 meters. I'll skip the rest but just know we put ourselves to the test but I managed to get second. "The expulsion was just a ruse to make you give it your all." he said

"What!" everyone but momo and i said in unison

"I thought it was obvious that it was a ruse, should I have told everyone?" momo asked

"No you shouldn't have, otherwise they wouldn't give their all plus he actually would have expelled all of us in a heartbeat like he did with last year's class. Am I right, Aizawa-sensei?" i explain

"You are correct midoriya" with that confirmation everyone grew pale except for me and saw that he was not joking around and that scared them

as everyone was going home i was stressed out a bit and was taken aside by a guy who was going to rape me and next thing i know he is all over the place with no blood on me as i walk away with a smile. 

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