The BeyClub

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(This is a story of what had happened after the evolution season)

Valt - *crying* Shuuuu !! Why!?

Shu - Uhh.., Valt calm down. It's no big deal.

Free - What happened? You made him cry again?

Shu - No! It's not like that.

Valt - *sniff* *sniff* Why are you going to Ranging Bulls? *sniff* *sniff* You can just stay with us. I don't want you to become Red Eye again.

After a lot of explanations from Shu, finally Valt understood.

Valt - Oh, Yeah! Then we can be Rival-Friends. Yay!

Free - *sweat drop* So this was the reason.

Shu - Yeah.

Finally Shu is leaving Spain and is about to go to USA. Shu and the other Beyclub members had stayed there for some days but now they were leaving.

Rantaro - Aww, I'm gonna miss you all.

Ken's Keru - We will meet soon. Don't get so emotional.

Ken's Besu - Yeah, don't worry.

Daigo - Hm. Valt? You okay?

Valt - *who has teary eyes now* Yeah.

Shu - Hey, it's alright. We'll call each other. Okay?

Wakiya - Yup. I've already created a group chat : The Beyclub. *Smug* And we'll be calling Shu everyday.

Shu - What?

Wakiya - So that we know he is not being hypnotized by a Beyblade ever again.

Rantaro - Oh, I like the idea.

Shu - Wait. How am I supposed to-

Valt - I'm in! I don't want Shu to become Red Eye.

Daigo - Oh boy.

Ken - *whispers to Daigo* He is not getting away from them.

Ken's Keru and Besu - We're in too!

Shu - *sweat drop* But how am I supposed to train if I've to pick up 5 calls a day.

Rantaro - 5 calls a day, keeps Red Eye away. Sounds good. Right?

Valt - Yeah! So cool!

Wakiya - That's the most stupid thing I've ever heard.

Shu - They are not even listening.

Few days later, Shu is at the Ranging Bulls training with his Bey.

Shu - ...

*ring ring*

Shu - Ugh, not again. I just received a call from Ken. *picks up the phone* Daigo.

Daigo - Hey, Shu. What's up?

Shu - Nothing much, I'm

Daigo - Oh, right. I shouldn't disturb you. It's not my intention to disturb you or anything.

Shu - Yeah, no worries. It was Wakiya. I know that.

Daigo - Hm. Talk to you later. *Hangs up* Poor Shu.

Shu - Now-

*ring ring*

Shu - Ugh. Now who? *picks up* Yes..Rantarroo. I'm not Red Eye. Bye. *Hangs up* Lets go Spryzen. *Holds his launcher*

*ring ring*

Shu *getting frustrated* *still picks it up* Hm.

Wakiya - What happened to your manners Shu? You should say hello, you know.

Shu - *Grr* Yeah Bye.

Wakiya - Wai-

Shu - *hangs up* I'll keep it in silent mode.

The phone rang but it was in silent mode.
After few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Shu opened it and found the Beyclub.

Valt - Shuuuu! You're alright. I'm so happy. *hugs Shu*

Wakiya - Why did you hang up my phone like that??

Shu - You guys! What are you doing here?... AND HOW DID YOU CAME SO FAST!?

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