Halloween Stadium! (Part 5)

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"Is that really you, Shu?" Rantaro asked in surprise.

He knows every one looks a bit different on Halloween because of the costumes and all.... BUT Shu looked too different and somewhat similar at the same time. He was wearing a Black and Grey like dress which looked like an armor and had a Crimson long coat with a high collar with some golden streaks in it. His pants were of dark Metallic Grey colour. It really looked amazing in a way and a bit scary for Rantaro too coz it felt so similar to something fearful but he couldn't quite remember.

Valt: He looks so AMAZING! Right Honcho? Free? (≧∇≦)

Rantaro: Yeah, it's quite hard to tell if it's really our Shu~

Shu: It's really me. *smiling*

Free: ..Kinda reminds me of Red Eye..


Rantaro: Freeeee!!!! I told you not to say that word in front of Valt! (Thinking: Though, I'm not the one to talk. That costume reminded me of Red Eye too but I just couldn't remember.)

Valt: That's not true! *Pouting*

Shu: No worries. It's true that I kinda look like that but it's only because this costume is inspired from spryzen.

Free: So you really are Spryzen.

Rantaro: Free! 💢

Valt: Does that mean you made a costume of your bey. Thats so cool! But Spryzen also has an axe...

Shu: I kind of thought about that...but you know, it would look more like a fancy dress costume rather than a Halloween costume.

Rantaro: Yeah, just like Valt's costume~

Valt: Hey! Stop making fun of my costume!

Shu: You look awesome (Thinking: and adorable)... And so do you Rantaro.

Valt: >ᴗ<

Rantaro: '' Right?

Free: ....

Shu: and No, I didn't forget about you Free. But it's kind of hard to compliment. I never imagined you would even wear a costume and specially that.

Rantaro: We somehow convinced him~ *feeling proud*

Shu: I gotta say that this is a rare sight. You look c-

Valt: Cool!! Right? So coo-

Free: Let's go inside. *walks into the Ranging bulls building*

Rantaro: HEY!!

Shu: Heh, looks like he doesn't want to get complemented. Anyway, let's go. The special event is starting soon.

Valt and Rantaro: Special Event?

They went inside, and saw the fully decorated Ranging Bulls. Everything looked so spooky and cool.

Rantaro: Now that's called a Halloween Decor---Ahhhh, *gets frightened and turns blue*

Free: That's just an origami spider.

Rantaro: Oh, right! It's not like I was scared or anything.

Joshua: *comes from behind Free* Is that you Free!?!?

Free: *looks at Joshua* Oh no- I mean oh Hi. *runs away*

Joshua: Wait! *runs after him*

Rantaro, Valt and Shu: *sign*

Then suddenly, a large stadium came out from the underground.... It was a stadium no one had ever seen before.....

(I made this for you guys!)

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