~DEFEAT NOTE~ (Part 1)

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(A/N: Hey everyone... I haven't really showed up for a while... Hehe.. I've got a lot of story ideas but all are pending due to my time limit.

Here u go~ This is a new chapter inspired from- yes you can guess already...)

Cheers and Laughter erupted from the stadium in the Gates of Hell as Bell and Ranzo had an ongoing intense battle. As the Beyblades collided, Ranzo's bey, Roktavor flew out of the stadium. The results declared Bell as the winner.

Basara: Bell wins with a ring out finish!

Ranzo: Just for a second or I'd have won.

Bell: In your dreams. You can't defeat the Demon King!

Ranzo: (Pouts) Don't get ahead of yourself! You can't always win.

(Bell's Gandpa) Jinemon: (Laughs)

Hanna: What happened?

Jinemon: Well, I just remembered...there was this beyblader known as Nemesis who had never been defeated.

Ranzo: Huh? I've never heard of it.

Basara: Hmm. It's a tale I think. It is said that he had some sort of evil power.

Bell: (Curious) Then what happened??

Jinemon: That's all I heard. Haha~

Bell: Hey!!

Bell: (grins) But I guess I don't need any of that to defeat Ranzo.

Ranzo: You better not be overconfident. I'll show you what I have got in the next battle!

Ranzo's determined declaration was met by an enormous stomach growls. Embarrassed, he looks at the others with a silly smile.

Jinemon: Save the battle for later, I have got snacks for you all.

As the bladers follow Jinemon to the dining table Bell seems to be lost in his own cluster of thoughts.

Bell: (Thinks) I guess the Demon King isn't invincible anymore... Valt, Shu, Rashad... Even Ranzo and Illya have beaten me at least once.

As Bell ponders on what he could do to improve himself and for Belfyre to be stronger, he noticed something shimmering in the corner of the front gate of the Gates Of Hell. He cautiously creeped towards it.

Surprisingly, it seemed to be just a note book but something felt different to Bell. It had a purpulish aura around it and had the words 'DEFEAT NOTE' Scribbled on it in a gothic font style.

Curiousity took over him and he reached for it. As a die hard fan of dark mystical things, he couldn't resist the urge to see what's inside this cryptic book.

Bell: Looks cool. I wonder what's inside. (Picks it up)

As he opened the book and flipped through pages, he found it blank.

Bell: So it's just a random notebook? (Disappointed)

Bell: Oh wait- There's something on the first page..

The first page of the notebook had two rules written and it read-

1) The Human whose name is written in this notebook shall lose a Beyblade battle.
This note will not take effect unless the writer has the blader's face in their mind when writing their name...

2) It will help you win as you script down the details of how you'd like to win the beybattle within 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

Bell: Ok this is cringe...

Bell: (Eyes glow from excitement) ...But I like it!

Bell's excitement was cut off by a sudden voice as Ranzo calls out to him with his typical speaking style.

Ranzo: Amigo~? (Calls out)

This startled Bell, which he will probably not admit and soon covered it with his annoyance.

Bell: (Annoyed) Coming~!

He tossed the book on a table and hurried to where everyone was.

Time seem to slow down as Bell couldn't stop thinking about the book. He was so, so very curious to see how it's possible. How can a book decide the fate of a beybattle? Can he do that too? Should he try it?

Finally, the bladers were back at the stadium of the Gates Of Hell. Bell sneakily approached the Defeat Note and opened a page to see if it actually works. He scribbled Ranzo's name. It's not like he wanted Ranzo to lose. It's just he wanted to know if it could really worked.

Soon, the bladers with their beyblades were set to launch their beyblades onto the stadium. The battle went smoothly with Roktavor taking the centre and Belfyre moving on the periphery of the stadium. Surprisingly, after a few collisions of the beys, Roktavor's momentum decreased and the bey slowed down until it stopped rotating...

Basara: Bell wins with a survival finish. Umm.. Ranzo? What happened?

Ranzo: (Confused as he picks up his bey) I.. I dont know. It felt like some invisible force stopped Roktavor.

Hanna: That's unusual. There's no big winds either to stop it like that.

Bell: ....

As Bell contemplated what he just witnessed, he still doubts if it really was because of the book... Since for him it's not much surprising to win against Ranzo.

Basara: Hey Bell! This time, battle me!

Bell looks at Basara and grins "Ok! You're on!" - Just then he hears a strange ghastly sound which said something around...

"Use the book... Or else u won't win"

Bell flinched and quickly looked behind but of course there was no one... Quick to adapt, he looked at Jinemon, who happens to prank Bell most of the time.

Jinemon: What?

Bell: (Narrowed his eyes but struggled to explain and looked away) Nothing...

As Basara prepared his beyblade for the battle, Bell somehow managed to use the Defeat Note without them noticing. He never really knew why he was even using it. He just wanted to battle Basara...

Did he not believe the book?
Did he wanted to test the book again?
Was it that voice that manipulated him to...?

~To be continued (soon)

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