Birthday Special (Aiger)

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(YAY! Today is Aiger's birthday! So here's a Special story.)

Fubuki: Aiger will be here soon.

The Wild Bey Gang: And we are done with the decorations too.

Suoh: I've decorated the flowers.

Meanwhile, at the kitchen,

Valt: Why aren't you all letting me make Beybreads?

Nika: Uh, it's

Toko: You've got more work to do.

Valt: Hmph. Fine. I'll just check on Shu. *Goes to Shu whose making Pasta Carbonara*

Nika: Thanks Toko.

Toko: Yeah. Well, I don't want to serve burned Beybreads to everyone either.

At the garden,

Xavier: *setting the tables* Why I ain't the one to bring Aiger here.

Laban: Ranjiro is his best friend. Let him do it.

Xavier: But a hero like me should be the one to do that.

Naru: Hey Laban! We need someone who can climb the trees and decorate it. Could you help us?

Laban: I'm coming. *Goes*

Xavier: Wait, I can't do all the work alone.

Kyle: *comes out of nowhere* I'm here to lend you a hand prince.

Xavier: *grunt*

At the Dread Tower,

Hearts: Are you ready yet?

Phi: Nope. *combing his hair*

Hearts: You know, it's not your birthday.

Phi: Hearts, You don't know anything about it. Do you? Why care. You look like a monster anyway.

Hearts: *Thinks for a moment* I like monsters. :)


Ranjiro: *Calls Fubuki* Okay Fubuki, I can't keep it a surprise anymore. He is already suspecting me.

Fubuki: Ok, we are ready. Just bring him here.

Aiger: *tries to hear the conversation*

Ranjiro: *hangs the call* Hey Aiger... So, let's go...

Aiger: Was that Fubuki in the call?

Ranjiro: WHAT!? How did you-... I mean no. It was the Bey Gang. Heheh.

Aiger: You are acting strange Cap'n.

And then,

Aiger: So, why are we here?

Ranjiro: Just wait...*waits but nothing happens*... HELLO! I've brought the Monkey!


Rantaro: Wake up Free. Aiger's here.

Free: *Talking in his sleep* Let my deer eat the cake.

Lui: *Laughing*

Shu: Why is he laughing now?

Valt: Yay! Happy birthday Aiger.

Valt: Yay! Happy birthday Aiger

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Aiger: Wow. Thanks. I was wondering something like this was going to happen...but IT'S AMAZING!

Suoh: Yep, specially the decoration is worth it.

Naru: Here's the cake, big bro. Blow the candles.

Hae-jin Oh: Don't forget to make a wish. *smiles creepily*

(I made this drawing

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(I made this drawing. How is it?)

Aiger: This is awesome!

Ranjiro: I know. It was hard work.

Fubuki: You didn't did anything.

Aiger: Wait, why are there only three candles. I mean I'm not three years old.

Fubuki: *sweat drop* Uh, we forgot to buy candles.

Suoh: And we only found three.

Ranjiro: *sweat drop* Anyway, the cake is important not the candles. Right?

Aiger: *giggles* Yeah. *Blows the candles*

~The end

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