Birthday Special (Lui)

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(So what day is today? No no. Not telling about Christmas. It's our Frozen Ogre, Lui's birthday!)

It was a peaceful morning in the Ogre Island. Until,

Drum: *Blows a party horn* Happy Birthday Lui!

Lui: Drum? What are you doing here?

Drum: Did you forgot? I stayed here last night on Christmas Eve!

Lui: You stayed in my Island not in my room. More importantly, why are you up so early?

Drum: Because it's your birthday!

Lui: So what?

Drum: It's SPECIAL!

Lui: Why?

Drum: Well, it's the day you were born. So that's why.

Lui: And? *Poker faced*

Meanwhile, at the Ranging Bulls:

Shu: .....

Shu: ...Hmm...

Shu: Should I send this text?

The text: *To Lui* Happy birthday Lui🎂

Shu: I can already imagine the outcome though.

Suddenly he got a phone call from Valt.

Shu: *Startled* ....oh... It's just Valt.

Shu: *Picks up the call* Hey Valt.

Valt: Shu! You know what's special about today?

Shu: Christmas?

Valt: Oh yeah. Merry Christmas! But I meant today is Lui's birthday!

Shu: *Not interested* Yes, I remember.

Valt: So, why don't you come over to BC Sol. I think we should plan something for his birthday.

Shu: Huh? For Lui? Why would you want to do that?

Valt: *Speaking extremely cutely* Because we are a Beyblade Family!!

Shu: Beyblade What?

Valt: So come as fast as you can. ok? *Hangs up*

Shu: *Sigh* Sure Valt. (Thinking: For Lui huh? That is one tough job)

At BC Sol:

Free: Alright Fafnir that's enough for now. *Picks up his Bey*

Free: *Looks at the time* I'm gonna be late. Valt and Honcho wanted to discuss something with me. I gotta hurry. *Proceeds to walk slowly anyway*


Rantaro: Free! you are late!

Free: At least I came. So what did you wanted to discuss?

Valt: Today is Lui's birthday! So let's plan something for him.

Free: Wait. It's his birthday already. I thought it was a year ago.

Rantaro: What ya mean?

Free: Anyway why am I doing this?

Valt: *Speaking extremely cutely* Because we are a Beyblade Family!!

Free: Beyblade What?

At the Ogre Island:

Drum: So Lui, you get two gifts on this day right?

Lui: Huh?

Drum: One for your birthday and one for Christmas!

Lui: Hah, That's right! Hahahahaha~

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