Ready for Halloween (Part 4)

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"And that's how Free helped us!" Valt exclaimed excitedly.

He was in a call with Shu and was telling every little details about how Free was convinced at last. Now he was way too excited to plan everything for Halloween.

Valt: Man, I'm so excited!

Shu: I know right? So what have you planned to do on Halloween till now?

Valt: Eeh..

Shu: Don't tell me you haven't planned anything.

Valt: I've planned. It's gonna be bo-boom and zoom! Get it?

Rantaro: *rolls eyes* I wonder what's that suppose to mean.

Shu: Hm. I understand Valt but you should try to list down all those ideas.

Valt: Ok!

After the call with Shu, Valt was writing the list down just as Shu told him to.

Valt: Done!

Rantaro: What's this?

Valt's list:
Halloween ideas:-
1) Boo!
2) Boom
3) Zoom!
4) yaaaaaa~

Rantaro: Lemme ask Shu what that means.

Valt's list updated by Shu:
Halloween plannings to-do list (or some ideas Valt came up with):-
1) The decorations should be Spooky.
2) Enjoyable things.
3) Foods that gives the feeling of Halloween.
4) Awesome costumes!

Free: Now it's understandable.

Silas: Alright, then let's get to work.

All those hard works finally paid off coz now it was finally time, time for Halloween Party to start! They have been working so hard all these days and now everything was finally ready for Halloween. The most special event BC Sol was going to make was the Halloween Cafe. Chris had no idea of anything about Halloween. So she made Valt, Rantaro and Free the in charge.

Rantaro: Thanks to Free's idea. The Halloween Cafe looks awesome!

Cuza: I know. Specially the menu looks delicious.

Silas: Looks like you're about to eat the menu instead.

Free: ..hmm.. I don't understand how you all convinced me to wear this. *Looks at the Deer costume he was wearing*

Cuza: You look exactly like a deer.

Free: *blushes a little*

Rantaro: You don't look so bad either with your demon horns Silas.

Silas: SHUT UP! You've no right to compliment me.

Rantaro: I feel like I've seen this costume before. *Point to Cuza's Ninja costume*

Cuza: Oh, this? Did you forgot, it was that Ninja outfit from the Joshua movie we were. Remember?

Silas: Wait! You stole it?

Cuza: A little bit Yes and a little bit No.

Silas: What?

Valt: Hey, I'm here- Woah!! *trips and falls on Rantaro*

Rantaro: *Falls too* Hey! My Ranging Warrior Costume is gonna get all dirty.

Cuza: Valt! What's up with that costume!?

Silas: Yeah! What in the world is this!?

Valt: *Stands up* This is my favorite Bey bread costume!

Rantaro: *Gets up* I remember this. It was when we were 11 and the whole beyclub celebrated Halloween together. WAIT! You still have this??

Valt: Duh! This is my Favorite.

Sasha: Are you boys planning on talking all day? We have work to do.

They all turn to look at Sasha, she wasn't particularly being any monster or vampire but she still looked scary to them. Kit and Honey were beside her. Kit had a dracula outfit and Honey was wearing a gown which preety much meant she was a princess.

Kit: Aniki! You look funny🤣

Valt: Stop laughing! *Pouting*

Ange: All right! Get ready. The Cafe's opening soon.

Everyone: Ok!

Kit: So what exactly should we say? Hello? Or..

Honey: Welcome?

Kit: Yeah ok.

Rickson: Oh, is the cafe open?

Kit: Ahhhh!! A giant Corona!!

Honey: It's his costume!

Kit: ooh..

After a while:

Valt: Umm~ this Pumpkin Cream Bread is so yummy.

Rantaro: Let's get some of these to the Bey Club.

Silas: This Violet Poison Drink has been my favorite so far.

Cuza: This reminds me of Clio's tomato juice, actually.

Clio: Were you talking about me, my long lost friend~

Cuza: *frightened* Ah! Clio?! Where did you came from?!

Clio: How can I not visit my best friend on my favorite day~
Just for you I've awaken from my slumber today.

Silas: This Vampire again.

Cuza: Yeah, but don't just scare me like tha-

Valt: Aahhh!!

Rantaro: What's wrong Valt!?!?

Valt: We're gonna be late! Look at the time! Shu must be waiting for me!

Rantaro: Ohh! We're this late!

Cuza: I told you not to scare me like that!

Valt: Sorry Cuza, heheh. Hey would you like to come with us?

Rantaro: We're going to the Ranging Bulls and then we'll be going to Wakiya's place.

Cuza: Sounds fun but I won't be able to join you... *looks at Clio who is holding Cuza's arm happily*

Silas: I'm not gonna leave my Drink here but I might go their later. That brat invited me too.

Rantaro: You mean Wakiya?

Valt: Wait, where's Free? He is suppose to come with us!

Kit: You should look their *Point at a corner of the Cafe where Free was taking a nap*

Everyone: Classic Free~

Free: *Wakes up* Huh? Why are you all staring at me?

At the Ranging Bulls,

Rantaro: We've come to the right place, haven't we?

Free: The sign board says so. *Points to the nearby sign board*

Valt: Hm.. Oh yeah! I can see Shu over there.

Rantaro: Let's go then- Uh, Valt?

Free: Too late. He is already there.

They both look and saw Valt talking enthusiastically to a ...ranger...or... perhaps a knight. Who was it anyway?

~To be continued

(Ok, now that was a long chapter... Phew~
So what do you want to have from the BC Sol's Halloween Menu? And stay tuned for the next chapter!)

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