BeyClub's Mystery Map Adventure (Part 1: Packing)

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(A/N: So the above drawing you can see. Yes, over there. This will be the picture for the BeyClub's Mystery Map Adventure series. And it's my drawing. So, how is it? Heh.)

It was early morning in BC Sol. Rantaro and Valt were sleeping soundly on there beds. Just like always Kit had to wake them. Kit grabbed a pair of cymbals out of nowhere. He holds one in each hand and makes an enormous sound by hitting them together. Rantaro and Valt jerked off from their bed.

Rantaro: What are you doing?!

Valt: You don't have to wake us up this early...

Kit: Excuse me. You were the one who told me to wake you up.

Rantaro: We did?

Honey: *Comes from behind Kit* Did you forgot where you were going today?

Valt: *Suddenly remembers* Oh right. Shu, Wakiya, the BeyClub!

Rantaro: We gotta hurry Valt!

Soon after that it was quite hard for Kit to even ask something to Valt or Rantaro as the two bladers were hurriedly packing their luggage.

Sasha: Woah what's the rush you two?

Rantaro and Valt: .....

Sasha: Are they ignoring me?

Kit: Well, they have been ignoring everyone after I woke them up.

Honey: They are just too busy packing.

Silas: Jeez. They are just going on a trip with the BeyClub-

Valt: It's not just a Trip! It's a... Summer Vacation BeyClub....uh...

Rantaro: Adventure!

Valt: Yeah adventure!

Free: *Yawns* You might have forgotten about that. *Points to a box*

Rantaro: Oh right, we forgot to pack the Bey-breads.

After that,

Valt: *Deep breath* Finally done.

Free: You forgot that bag.

Valt: Oh! Thanks Free.

After they finished packing,

Free: You're not going to pack that? *Points at another object*

Rantaro: Ah right!

Rantaro: Wait. Why don't you point out everything before we start packing again.

Free: *Shrugs*

Silas: Free, could it be that you're doing that on purpose?

Free: *Smiles* Who doesn't like teasing those idiots.

Finally the packing was done and now they were ready to leave. Wakiya came in his Bullet Plane, that's what he calls his private jet. Valt and Rantaro got inside the plane and noticed that their friends were already there.

~To be continued

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