Heroes in New York, France and Spain?

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Shu: You mean during summer?

Ken's Besu: Yeah, like a summer vacation!

Daigo: Sounds good to me.

Ken's Keru: I suggest-

Valt: Hey! we are here.

Valt, Rantaro and Wakiya walks inside the Ranging Bulls and sits beside the other BeyClub members

Rantaro: What's up guys?

Wakiya: You have any coffee? I'm really tired.

Shu: Sure. *Pours coffee in a cup and serves to Wakiya*

Ken's Besu: Why so tired?

Wakiya: Well, I've been working hard these days...

Wakiya: And also carrying these two in my plane for so long. *Sips coffee*

Valt: Eheheh~

Rantaro: You weren't the one driving though. *Rolls eyes*

Daigo: Now don't start fighting again.

Valt: So what were you guys talking about?

Daigo: Just some plans for summer.

Ken's Keru: I suggest we should all go together somewhere during summer.

Valt: With the whole BeyClub? That sounds awesome!

Shu: But we aren't quite sure where to go.

Rantaro: We can go to Wakiya's private beach.

Wakiya: You can't go there without my permission!

Valt: Then how about we go climb the Mt. Everest?

Wakiya: Climb what?

Valt: Then let's go underwater and solve the mystery of the Bermuda triangle!

Wakiya: What!? Are you an Idiot?!

Shu, Daigo, Ken and Rantaro bursts into laughter.

Shu: You really have some unique ideas Valt.

Valt: Oh, thanks.

Wakiya: But seriously, we aren't going to any of those plac-

Suddenly there was a THUD sound. The BeyClub looked behind them and saw a broken window. Near that stood two guys fighting or at least that's what the BeyClub thought.

Rantaro: What the heck?

Shu: Not again.

Ken's Besu: You know them Shu?

Shu: That guy over there is one of the most popular heroes in New York. He is....

???: ...Batman!

Valt: Wooo~ A Supper Hero!

Wakiya: It's 'Super'.

Batman: *Drinks Rantaro's coffee*

Rantaro: Wait-

Batman: *Grabs the villain he was fighting* I'll take this and Shu Kurenai...

Shu: Yes, don't forget to pay for the window panes you broke.

Batman: I know. *Swings out of the building*

Wakiya: What just happened?

Shu: *Sigh* It happens quite often now. He breaks the windows while fighting a villain...

Daigo: So that's why.

Shu: As long as he pays for the broken windows, I'm fine.

Ken's Keru: You're... Scary...

Valt: But still, being able to see super heroes. Isn't that cool?

Shu: Well, when I first arrived here. It was surprising but now I'm used to it.

Valt: Oh, then why don't I see any heroes in Spain?

Rantaro: Maybe we have to go in a Hero Hunt!

Wakiya: The heck is that.

Shu: I don't know whether having heroes is that good. I mean sometimes that man with spider hands just gets my building full of webs.

Daigo: Does that mean the damages can't be undone?

Shu: Uh, no.

Ken's Besu: Could it be that France has super heroes as well?

Daigo: I'm not sure to call them Super heroes. They are more like magical heroes.

Wakiya: Maybe I have heard of them.

Daigo: They just say something like 'Miraculous Ladybug' and everything gets back to normal.

Valt: Woah~

Ken's Keru: I wonder how that happens.

Daigo: True. Once there was a member of my team who got akumatized.

Wakiya: Akuma what?

Shu: Maybe that's a word for-

Valt: Seriously? How come I never got to see any of them when we all went to France. *Pouting*

Rantaro: Talk about bad luck.

Shu: Well today you did.

Valt: Yeah I guess. Hehe.

Rantaro looks at his empty coffee cup and it reminds him of the person who drank it. Huffing, He looks at Shu, who was talking to Valt.

Rantaro: Quit staring at Valt and give me another cup of coffee.

Shu: *A little annoyed* Alright.

Ken's Besu: Hey, did you guys forgot? We were talking about our vacation plans.

Daigo: Agreed. We haven't decided on a place yet.

Valt: Oh, I know. We should all go-

Wakiya: No! Valt. No! You don't have to decide. I'll think of a place instead.

Rantaro: Looks like Wakiya's gonna burst.

Meanwhile in BC Sol,

Free was practising beyblade peacefully when suddenly he heard something in the bushes. When he glances at the distance, he saw a monkey and a girl who were talking to the 'air' perhaps.

???: Hola, We are now here in this jungle.

"The monkey": Oh look Dora. That's swiper.

Dora: Oh no, he is about to steal Free De La Hoya's Beyblade. We have to stop him. Say with me... 'Swiper no Swiping'!

Free: -_-

Swiper: You are late-

Free: *Picks up Fafnir and leaves*

Dora: Eh?

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