Rewind device: To the past!

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(A/N: This chapter is requested by Cartoonia1530. Hope you like it.

And finally, the debut chapter of the Demon King has arrived, it's not that special but I just felt like mentioning it.😜)

"After all these's finally complete! Now, all that is needed to do is to test it." Naoki spoke in a somewhat evil voice.

As he was appreciating himself, he heard a sound in the bushes and then came a blue bey flying towards him, hitting his head.

Valt: *Comes out of the bushes, worried* Valtryek!!!

Valt: *Finds Valtryek lying on the ground* You're alright! I'm so happy!

Valt: Oh, Naoki, you're here too?

Naoki: What do you mean!? Your bey literally hit-

Bell: Vaaaalt~! How long are you gonna take?

Bell: *Looks at Naoki* Who is he?

Valt: Ah, this guy is my friend, Naoki. He likes beyblade science!

Naoki: That's... *sigh* never mind. Can't expect a good introduction from you..

Naoki: *Evil grin* But~ since you're here... I've something for you.

Valt and Bell, both look curiously at Naoki, who revealed a remote and some other tech-equipments.

Bell: Ok. So he's a science freak?

Valt: *laughs awkwardly* Something like that.

Naoki: *Clears throat* If you're not willing to ask. I'll inform you myself that this is a Rewind device.

Valt and Bell: ...??...

Naoki: *Sigh* In your words it's a time machine.

Valt and Bell: What!? Really!?

Naoki: And since you've hit me with your bey... I'd accept your apology if you help me test my time machine.

Bell: I don't care about the testing but I wanna use this time machine.

Valt: So, we can use it, Naoki?

Naoki: Yes, but keep in mind it's a Rewind device. It can only go back in time.

Bell: So we can't go to the future to see who becomes the no. 1 blader after Valt retires?

Valt: *Creeped out* Why do you have that in mind?

Naoki: Don't do anything stupid with my device. It can go back to your past life. That's it for now.

Naoki placed an equipment in Valt and Bell's pocket and held a remote in his hand while the other two bladers stood still.

Naoki: Alright. Don't lose that thing in your pocket. It's important for time traveling or you won't be able to come back.

Bell: And what does this remote do?

Naoki: This one? *Shows the remote* This will help you get to an exact time line you want to travel to.

Bell: Cool. Let me see!

Naoki: Wait no-

Bell: *Takes the remote and presses a button*

BAM! A portal opened and Valt and Bell were sucked inside it. Soon they vanished from the present.

Naoki: *Grunts* That's why I don't like humans.

Valt and Bell, both found themselves in a void. A blue-black tunnel like structure surrounded them. Soon they could see images floating around them.

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