Halloween Costumes (Part 2)

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At the Ranging Bulls,

Blader 1: Shu-san, is this ok for the decorations?

A blader asked while showing a book to Shu. Shu nodded in agreement.

Shu: Yeah, I like the idea.

The whole Ranging Bulls was fully energetic at the moment and everyone was at least doing something other than bey blading today. But somewhere in a group stood an angry Lane. Shu noticed it and went close to the group and tried to listen to their chatter.

Blader 2: What are you all planning to wear in Halloween?

Blader 3: Something Scary. What about you Lane?

Lane: Halloween is for kids, I don't care about it anyway.

Blader 2: Hmm...probably because you're already scary without even wearing a costume...

Lane: *Ignoring*

Blader 3: With your hedgeho-

Lane: *Glare*

Blader 2 & 3: *Gulp*

Shu: Alright, that's enough.

Shu motioned to stop glaring and follow him, which Lane did without asking any questions. He knew Lane wasn't the type to get taunted easily unless someone talks about his hedgehog. He knew Lane better than anyone and Lane respects him too.

Lane: Where are we going?

Shu: A place where you won't get offended easily.

Now they were at the top floor, which had great view. It was a lot calmer than any other floors.

Shu: Feeling any better?

Lane: .... Hm....

Shu: *giggles*

After some silent moments,

Lane: You're not gonna wear a costume or anything? Are you?

Shu: Oh, so you're interested?

Lane: No! *being grumpy*

Shu: Heh, I guess I might wear one.....but I haven't thought of anything yet. What do you suggest?

Lane: I've NO clue at all. What did you wore last time?

Shu: You know. You've celebrated Halloween. Don't act like you didn't.

Lane: I didn't!

Shu: Fine. Fine. Too stubborn...*thinks for a moment* I remember a time where I had a Vampire Costume.....and it was quite hard to run away from fangirls.

Shu's last words came out in a wisper. Then suddenly he remembered something.

Shu: I wonder if Valt's planning to wear the same costume.... The Bey bread costume. *smiles*

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