Halloween Is Near (Part 1)

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At BC Sol, in the morning, 

Free's Pov:

So peaceful. Finally I've some time alone in the forest. No Valt or Rantaro shouting or Silas stalking me. Time really flies by. It's already October.
          huh? I can hear footsteps. No, more like someone's running-

Valt: Frreeeee! *huff* *huff*

Free: ....Wha-

Rantaro: We've been searching for you!

Free: What do you need?

Valt: Well, Look at this!

          Free took a look at the paper, Valt was holding, proudly. It was way too colourful and had too much drawings. Free couldn't even read a single word because of how messy the handwriting was.

Free: Is it a kid's drawing?

Valt: No!

Rantaro: It's a poster!

Valt: You know it's October. So~..?

Free: So? You should wear more clothes or else you'll get cold.

Rantaro: Look who's talking.

Valt: It's Halloween! We've made a poster. I want the whole BC Sol to celebrate it together.

Free: Then go ask Chris not me.

Valt: We tried but she didn't allowed us.

Rantaro: So, let's all go together to ask. She will definitely allow us for sure if you come along with us to ask.

Free: ............

                               ..........Go to hell.

(A/N: Sorry if this is short. I'll soon make a part 2.)

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