Birthday Special (Wakiya)

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(A/N: I had found quite a lot of fanarts of various characters with that Barbie-Ken scene, so I thought why not make one myself? Well then, let's celebrate Wakiya's birthday!)

It was nearly midnight, Wakiya was peacefully asleep in his bed until a 'untuned guitar' like sound interrupted.

Wakiya: *Groaned* Who the heck's singing so ridiculously in the middle of the night.

Wakiya, putting on his slippers and holding one of his pillow, stomps out of his room and to his balcony.

Wakiya stood puzzled not because the pillow hit the stalker perfectly in the face but because that stalker was none other than his friend.

Rantaro: That's how you're gonna thank me for singing for you.

Wakiya: *Whisper shouts* Honcho! You better have a good reason for singing like a freak at midnight?

Rantaro: Wow you're rude. Anyway,.. *Charmingly* Happy birthday Wakiya~

Wakiya: ....Cringe...

Rantaro: Hey. *Pouts*

Wakiya: You could've said that in the morning.... But I'm glad you did..

Rantaro: Well, what're you waiting for? Hurry up.

Wakiya: Huh?

Wakiya quietly went down stairs and what he was expecting was definitely not Rantaro siting on a Suzuki DR650.

Rantaro: Surprised?

Wakiya: I'm calling the police.

Rantaro: Why is that the first thing that came to your mind?! I did not steal it!

Wakiya: Then?

Rantaro: *Winks* It's a secret.

Wakiya: I'm calling the police. *Takes out his phone*

Rantaro: I borrowed it from my uncle, jeez Wakiya.

Wakiya: Oh, alright then.

Rantaro: Now hop on already.

Wakiya: I'm gonna trust ya for this once.

Wakiya followed Rantaro's instruction and hopped on the gleaming bike. They soon left Wakiya's house and hit the road. The night was peaceful and only the stars shone and illuminated the path.

Wakiya: Quick question. How did you manage to not be caught by any of my guards?

Rantaro: That's one of my many talents. (Thinking: We, beyclub and Wakiya's butlers already planned this out but he doesn't have to know that.)

Wakiya: Fine. Don't tell me. So it's supposed to be my birthday surprise? Where're we goin' then?

Rantaro: A place you've never been before.

Wakiya: Which is?

Rantaro: I'm gonna leave it at that. Since you've never really enjoyed a normal teenage life. After all you're 'Young Master Wakiya'. So, we decided to make your birthday a non fancy day.

Wakiya: I-

Rantaro: You gotta enjoy your teenage life. ~Tell me Wakiya, when did you let your heart decide?~

Wakiya: Don't you dare with those Disney songs.

Rantaro: I can show you the world~♪

Wakiya: Honcho! *Blushes*

Rantaro: *Giggles* I mean you even tie your hair like that.

Wakiya: I'm so goin' to push you off the bike.

After a while of enjoying the ride, the bike came to a stop. Wakiya looked what was stood before him.

Rantaro: There.

Wakiya: A.. A RAMEN SHOP?

Rantaro: Yup. The special thing about this shop is that it stays open till 2 AM.

Wakiya: Huh? Wait, wait. I- I've never went to such shops. I-uh-

Rantaro: I know. It'll be fine. you seem more into cafe. But you don't need to be formal here. *Pulls Wakiya with him*

Rantaro: Hello. 2 bowls please with extra extra extra garlic.

Wakiya: HUH!?


Rantaro: That was perfect for a midnight snack.

Wakiya: You call that a snack...and I didn't expect you to eat that fast.

Rantaro: These places are known for fast eating. I had came here many times with Valt. Oh, Xander ate 6 bowls in like 15 mins once.

Wakiya: That's Xander you're talking about. You know, it's not something I can do.

Rantaro: Chill Wakiya. You experience something new, it's all good.

Wakiya: No it's not. *Pouts*

Rantaro: Anyway, I've more surprises for you.

Wakiya: It better be good. *Smiles slightly*

As they got on the bike, a gentle breeze rustled through the quiet air, making their hair sway. The night was filled with the sound of insects, giving it a peaceful silent feel. Overhead, countless stars lit up the dark sky. The air around them had a cool, fresh smell as they rode through the calm night.

Wakiya: *Breathes in*

Rantaro: *Grins* Enjoying yet?

Wakiya: Don't ruin the silence.

Finally the roadside trees gave way to a river, shinning under the stars. Wakiya looked at the view amazed. Soon, the bike came to a stop.

Rantaro: Wait for it.

As Rantaro and Wakiya stood together in the stillness of the night. Suddenly, colorful crackers burst into the sky, illuminating Wakiya's face with surprise and amusement. Rantaro couldn't help but smile, satisfied to see his friend happy. Just then, they noticed the BeyClub approaching from a distance.

Wakiya: Were you masterminds, the ones behind this?

Shu: Apparently,... We are.

Valt: Waaaakiiiyaaa~ *Hugs Wakiya*

Everyone: Happy Birthday!!

Wakiya: *Blushes* Yeah yeah.

Daigo: I hope you're not sleepy.

Ken's Keru: You could say that we just kidnapped you in the middle of the night.

Wakiya: Ah, you're right. I should hurry and tell my-

Rantaro: Relax. They already know.

Wakiya: Wait. Was this all planned?

Ken's Besu: Well, we didn't wanted you to panic.

Valt: And it was a surprise!

Wakiya: ...uh..

Shu: We've got more things planned for you.

Valt: Movie night at Shu's place!

Wakiya: Um..

Rantaro: Let's go!

Daigo: Wakiya? You alright?

Wakiya: What do ya think? O' course I'm alright.

Wakiya: No wait. That's not what I meant to say. I uh..

Wakiya: So, um. I-I'm sayin thanks for just this once. *Blushes*

Rantaro: *Smirks* Did Wakiya just said 'Thanks'??

Wakiya: So what? *Clearly flustered*

Wakiya: Cause I'm just a tiny, tiny bit happy!! That's all.

(Looks like I made him too Tsundere in this one. •w•)

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