Drum is Curious 2: Why do you wear it like that?

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Drum: Hello guys. You already remember me from the chapter 'Drum is Curious'. So today I was wondering why do some bladers wear their jacket in a different way. You know, like they don't even need the sleeves. Have anyone ever wondered about this?

Delta: No, I don't care about stupid stuff.

Arman: And can I turn off the camera already?

Drum: No! Wait! I'm not done. Uh, so here are some of the conversations we recorded about the way of wearing their clothes.

Drum: *Plays video*

1) Rantaro Kiyama

Valt: Hey Honcho, why do you wear this cape?

Rantaro: It's not a cape!!

Valt: Ok ok. So why do you wear it like the way you wear it?

Rantaro: Well, It's obvious that I look cool and I also resemble Ryuga a lot.

Valt: Woooooow~

Free: No you don't resemble him. *Shakes his head*

Drum: *Pauses video* So, that was Honcho's reason. Now one of the most popular blader....

Drum: *Plays video again*

2) Ryuga

Gingka: Hey Ryuga! Why do you wear your Coat like that?

Ryuga: None of your business.

Gingka: Come on. Tell me~ *Puppy dog eyes*

Ryuga: *Sigh* I wear it because I feel cold but not the sleeves because I feel hot at the same time. *Walks away*

Gingka: Huh?

Masamune: That's definitely not the reason. *Shakes his head*

Gwyn: That is a cool response.

Arman: Woah, where did you came from?

Drum: Um, so now comes the third bla-

Fumiya: *Rushes in* Hey! So you are the one who stole my video recorder!

Fumiya: *Takes video recorder and storms off*

Drum: Ah- wait! My video isn't completed. *Chases Fumiya*

Delta: *Sigh* That's all for Drum's Craziness.

Drum: It's curiosity not craziness!!

Drum: Ok bye! *Turns off Camera*

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