A Turbo Vision?

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A commotion was going on. It was a battle between the two leaders, Fubuki vs Ranjiro. Everyone cheered when the beys clashed with full force.

Tobisuke: Captain, I know you will win!

Ranjiro: Yeah! Ragnaruk can defeat him easily.

Fubuki: Don't be so sure about that.

Suoh: This is going to be more interesting now... huh? *Saw Aiger rushing towards them*

Aiger: Heeeeey!!

Ranjiro: Why are you interrupting our battle!?

Aiger: *Huff* *Huff* Look at this!

Suoh: A Sakura Beyblade Celebration?

Aiger: Yeah! I found it-

Naru: Hey! I was the one who showed you this!

Ranjiro: That sounds fun.

Aiger: I know right?... But what is this anyway?

Ranjiro: *Slaps his forehead* ..Aiger..

Fubuki: *Rolls eyes*

Toko: It's like a festival that happens every year.

Nika: We used to go there when we were younger with big bro and Shu.

Aiger: Shu and Valt went there!? Now I'm too exited!

Suoh: I have been urging to go there as well? It has been a while after all.

Fubuki: Then why haven't you?

Suoh: Because of you. Whenever I invite, you always refuse.

Fubuki: ..Oh... I..didn't knew you were so eager.

Suoh: Well? What about now?

Fubuki: Sure. *Smiles*

Aiger: Does that mean we are going!? *Super happy*


Fubuki: Wait, I never knew we were going as a group with a bunch of other people.

Hae jin: Is that not a good thing?

Laban: My stones said that something good might happen if I come along with you all.

Xavier: I have heard about this from Xander. So there was no way I would let this chance slip away.

Fubuki: *Sign* I regret coming here.

Suoh: *Pats Fubuki's back*

Ranjiro: Look! There are various types of stalls.

Aiger: So then, where should we go first?

???: Oh Aiger? You are here as well.

Toko and Nika: Big Bro!! and Shu!

They turned to see Valt, who was holding Shu's arm with one of his hands and a Bey-shaped cotton candy with the other hand.

Valt: Hey, Everyone!

Ranjiro: Woah! Shu and Valt are here too!

Nika: Big bro! Why didn't you told us you were coming here as well?

Valt: Hm? I didn't? Oops my bad.

Fubuki: Shu! You're here too. Can we come with you-

Aiger: Let's go there! *Pulls Fubuki and Ranjiro*

Suoh: *Comes along with them*

Fubuki: But I wanted to stay with Shu...

And then,

Suoh: Are you sure you want to go there?

Ranjiro: No! A horror maze! We can't go there!

Aiger: Why not? It's gotta be fun! What about you Fubuki?

Fubuki: *Wispers* I just wanted to stay with Shu. *Fidgeting his fingers*

Aiger: FUBUKI!

Fubuki: Oh, yeah ok.

Aiger: Alright then let's go!

Ranjiro: Huh?

Aiger: Are you scared Cap'n?

Ranjiro: No! Why would I? Let's go. *Goes inside the maze*

"And that's how we got lost."

Suoh explained

Ranjiro: So that sums up everything.

Aiger: It was your fault!

Ranjiro: What? It was because of you!

Fubuki: Stop fighting!

Aiger, Ranjiro, Fubuki and Suoh were now lost in the old abandoned Horror Maze. It was quite difficult to find the right route. They tried to go back from where they came but couldn't find that route either.

Aiger: Now we're so screwed.

Ranjiro: *Sigh* You should have thought before you dragged me here.

Aiger: You're the one who went inside first!

Suoh: Hey, what is that? *Points at a distance*

Fubuki: A mirror?

Ranjiro: What's a mirror doing here?

Suoh: I don't remember seeing this before.

Fubuki: Uh, something doesn't feel right.

Aiger: Are you actually scared of a random mirror? *touches the mirror*

Ranjiro: I don't know... Aiger! *Shocked*

Aiger: What?

Fubuki: *Tries to move but can't* Aiger, behind you!


Suoh: Fubuki?

Fubuki: *Wakes up* Huh?

Fubuki woke up and found himself sleeping on Suoh's shoulder. He was still shivering.

Suoh: You are sweating. Did you had a bad dream?

Fubuki: *Nods* ...Yeah a very bad dream...

Ranjiro: Yo Fubuki! You there?

Fubuki: Huh? Ranjiro, what are you doing here?

Ranjiro: I thought it would be good for us to have a battle together. What do you say?

Fubuki: ...

Suoh: Can you really battle? You just woke up from a bad dream.

Fubuki: I'll be fine Suoh. Let's battle then!

Tobisuke: Alright get into position.

Fubuki: (Thinking: Why does this seems so familiar?)

Meanwhile with Aiger,

Naru: Hey big brother, look at this article in the magazine.

Aiger: What's this? A Sakura Beyblade Celebration?

~The End

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