Halloween Plannings (Part 3)

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The BeyClub's Group Chat:

Wakiya: [How's everyone doing?]

Ken: [Pretty excited for Halloween🎃]

Daigo: [Yep]

Shu: [A little bit tiring too.]

Daigo: [Oh, you've been planning lots of stuff for Halloween right?]

Shu: [Yeah, being the owner of the Ranging Bulls sure is tiring but it's still a lot of fun.]

Wakiya: [Workaholic]

Shu: [I'm not!]

Ken: [Looks like Valt and Honcho aren't online]

Wakiya: [I wonder if BC Sol's doing anything for Halloween]

Shu: [Well....]
[I talked to Valt yesterday and he was quite sad. ]

Ken: [What happened??]

Shu: [BC Sol won't be celebrating Halloween. Even Free isn't interested. So, Valt and Rantaro are the only ones trying to convince them.]
[And also Cuza.]

Rantaro: [Poor Valt :( ]

Wakiya: [Honcho!!]

Ken: [Now Honcho's online]

Shu: [Rantaro! Where is Valt?? Is he okay???]

Daigo: [Calm down Shu (・_・;) ]

Rantaro: [Valt's alright]
[He is actually finding a way to convince Free]

Wakiya: [As expected from Valt]

Rantaro: [You all would have been hearing groans and whinning now if it wasn't a group chat]
[I'm gonna go help him]

Ken: [Ok then, let's talk later]

Shu: [See you later and take good care of him]

Wakiya: [And don't FORGET.....My house will look the BEST on Halloween]

Daigo: [Right. Right.]

Now at BC Sol with Valt and Rantaro,

Rantaro: Valt, stop circling around me.

Valt: Oh, sorry. But I can't think of anything! *whinning*

Rantaro: ...Wanna know what the Bey Club's talking about?

Valt: Hm. I'm pretty sure Wakiya's telling all the cool stuff he will do in Halloween and everything he has planned.

Rantaro: Well, he is about to talk about that actually.... But that's not what I mean.

Valt: Then?

Rantaro: They are all worried about you! So just stop being so low spirited!

Valt: I know but-

Cuza: Yo! I'm back!

Carl: Back! Back!

Valt: Cuza!

Rantaro: Have you brought everything that was told?

Cuza: Yeah! *smiles*

Rantaro: Ok!! Time to convince Free!

Cuza: Mission Convince Free!

Valt: Yeah!

.... A Few Moments Later ....

Free: Now what?

Valt: You must be tired. Here's your water bottle. *hands him a bottle*

Free: No need. I have my own.

Rantaro: Are you tired? Here's your fav pillow. *Hands him a pillow*

Free: *Points to the pillow* That's just an ordinary pillow.

Rantaro: ..oh..

Cuza: Do you want your Deer? We'll bring it here if you want!

Valt: We can also cheer for you while you're practicing!

Rantaro: Yeah! We'll do anything....and in return you will convince Chris with us!

Cuza: We have everything you want! So just ask! OK?

Carl: Everything! Everything!

Free: 💢💢 ..... You don't have one thing that I want right now.

Valt, Rantaro and Cuza: What?!

Free: ... Peace...

Valt, Rantaro and Cuza: ..oh.

Free: ....Off

Valt, Rantaro and Cuza: huh?

Free: Piss off.

(Lol Free intended a pun there XD)

After practicing Free went to BC Sol. He saw Valt sitting on a rock and Rantaro beside him.

Valt: Honcho, how are we supposed to celebrate Halloween if we fail to convince Free? :(

Rantaro: Hm. Don't worry Valt! We'll try again tomorrow and we will succeed. I just know it.

Free: (Thinking: Oh Valt, do you really think I won't help you...?)

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