~DEFEAT NOTE~ (Part 3)

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[My bad, I'm almost one month late]

Bell didn't knew what he was doing, not in the least. It felt like his mind was completely blank as he jotted down the details of the beybattle. It seemed as if all he wanted was to win, which was unlike him.

Bell: ...And then it'd burst... (With squinted eyes)

Then, again that giant demonic creature made out of a dark aura reappears like a flame trying to devour something.

Nemesis: Do it Bell, I'll give you the dark power you need~

As the details were written on the notebook, Bell stood up and got on the position to battle against Valt.

Valt: (Excited) Alright!

Shu: (Concerned) Bell? You alright?

Bell: (Fighting his inner turmoil, nods)

Shu was definitely not convinced but he didn't stop the battle just yet as he kept thinking what exactly caused Bell to lose the light and excitement from his eyes. Usually he would jump up and down to see a legendry blader show up to battle, just like Valt was, if not more.

As they got ready to battle, both Valt and Shu felt an enormous strange aura residing Bell unlike his usual cool aura. It was something completely different, something much more dark and frightening.

Either way, the bey-battle began. Valtryek and Belfyre were launched perfectly into the stadium.

Valt: Alright Valtryek, get ready for Ultimate Whip V!

Utilizing its full speed, Valtryek strikes Belfyre with the three red V-shaped rubber blades present on the Ultimate Blade with full force. It made Belfyre flew far away at the edge of the stadium. All of a sudden, the dark puple aura surrounded Belfyre as well as it's owner, Bell.

Bell: (With a dark evil aura) Destroy them, I need the power of this Legend!

Valt's eyes widen to see him in that state, he was confused and shocked.

On the other hand, Shu was reminded of a miserable memory... Lain's flare, the aura that only had hunger for power.

Belfyre gained enormous speed and with a quick slash with his blades, burst Valtryek.

The aura fades and Bell returns back to normal from his frenzied state.

As Valtryek burst into pieces, Shu and Valt stood shocked... Not because Bell won but because he emitted a strange aura during the battle. Valt, with a hint of nervousness in his eyes asks,

Valt: (Concerned) Bell are you alright?

Bell, hearing Valt's gentle voice, regained his senses. However, he looks down feeling pathetic and guilty after realising how he got manipulated so easily. He couldn't bear to stand like that as he rushes out of the room in a hurry.

Valt: (Tries to run after him) Bell!

Before Valt could make his way, Shu grabs his hand stopping him.

Shu: (Softly) He needs some space for now.

Valt: (Nods but still worried)

Bell, huffing, approaches the dinning room as he rethinks what had happened and blames himself for it.

Little did he knew that something awaited him there. There was a thick old book lying on the table. His eyes finally fell on it as he picks it up.

Bell: (Reads the cover) Revolutionary events recorded: Beyblade

Bell, confused but curious flips through the pages. It seemed like a history book.

He finds a page he needed very much at the moment... It was about Nemesis. It read...

" Diablo Nemesis, actually a beyblade but is also an evil deity that wishes to control the world. It was first owned by King Hades. Only with the power of all the star fragments from all the Legendary bladers, was Nemesis able to reach its true form. It caused devastation in the beyblade world ones known.

Nemesis can only be revived when it gets the power of all the heroic Legendary Bladers to retain its true form.

In the end of the revolutionary event, Legendary Blader, ᘜᓰᘉᘜᖽᐸᗩ ᕼᗩᘜᗩᘉᘿ, the Season Blader of Autumn, defeated Nemesis with the help of other Legendary Bladers around the world.

Nemesis was then vanquished, and sealed in a book forever in order to prevent it's destruction. "

Bell: ... So this is it... I really did freed an evil creature...?

Bell: Wait~ I can't read that Blader's name. Maybe the page has been worn out... Grandpa should have gave me this earlier.

Bell takes out Belfyre and looks at him... "I'm really sorry for what I've done... But what should I do now?"

Then suddenly his eyes light up.

Bell: Oh yes! That creature said he needs me to get the power of the bladers, so he's still sealed. Before it's too late I've to get rid of it.

Just as Bell finished his statement, Nemesis reappears with his dark aura as he confronts Bell.

Nemesis: You can't do that! I'll give the power you need. You'll be the strongest-

Before he could explain, Bell rushes out of the room and to the terrace with the Defeat Note in hand. He smirks as he throws away the book as if it's some sort of disc. He shouts out,

"Bruh, I dont need some bundle of pages to decide whether I win or not. The Demon King will decide his own fate!!"

He stands in relief as he feels a huge weight being lifted off of his shoulders.

Soon, he heard a clap from behind which made him jolt and look back. It was Valt...

Valt: (excited) I did not knew you were into disc throwing! That was so cool~!

Shu smiles softly but deep down he realises that there's more depth to this, whereas Bell sweatdrops but relieved to hide his true action.

[A/N: I just love combining all the 3 generations as if they happened on the same universe. and then making theories about it. Like...

Have you ever thought that Nemesis could be Phi and Hyde's Father or someone related like that. Since the terms 'Lord of Destruction' and 'Hades' are used in both the generations?]

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