Drum Is Curious

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(This is just our little legend being curious)

When, Drum is with Fubuki,

Drum: Why are you both best friends while your idols are enemies?

Suoh: Good question.

Fubuki: I wonder why.

Drum with Lui,

Drum: Why is your hair like a flame, Lui?

Lui: What the?

Drum: What happens when it rains or you take a bath? Do you even comb your hair?


Drum: *runs* Gah! He's mad.

Drum in BC Sol,

Drum: You always eat lollipop and you still don't have diabetes or cavities. Why is that?

Rantaro: Uh, it's sugar free, I guess.

Free: Did you call me?

Drum with Shu,

Drum: Hey Shu, how did you survive in that Red Eye outfit in such a hot weather? Specially the mask.

Shu: To tell the truth, Snake Pit had coolers in some parts and so did my mask.

Drum: Wait what?... I wonder how rich is Theadore.

Drum in Dread Tower,

Drum: Hey Phi! I love your hair.

Phi: Why, thank you.

Drum: So what shampoo do you use? Can my hair be like yours?

Phi: The shampoo I use can only be used by gods like me. So, I apologize. Your hair can't be like mine.

Drum: A God's Shampoo!?

Hearts: Don't fool a kid, Phi. There's no such shampoo.


Drum: DELTA~ *Jumps to hug him*

Delta: Not again. *Runs away*

Drum: Wait! *Runs after him*

Arman: Why are they running?

Fumiya: Let's follow them.

.... And that's how it ended into a race....

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