BeyClub's Mystery Map Adventure (Part 3: Our Jouney)

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The next morning,

Wakiya: *Calmly sips his tea*

Ken's Besu: Wakiya looks like royal- no a noble person.

Ken's Keru: Did you forgot? He is 'Goldilocks'.

Ken's Keru & Besu: *Giggles*

Shu: Oh, Ken you're awake? Here's your tea.

Ken: Thank- *Suddenly blushes* Uh.

Ken's Keru: I mean thanks.

Rantaro: Alright, he is not waking up.

Rantaro enters the living room where the BeyClub members were there...except for Valt.

Daigo: Valt's still sleeping?

Wakiya: That idiot.

Rantaro: Lemme try again.

Rantaro: *Deep Breath* Yo Valt! If you're not gonna wake up, we'll eat Shu's homemade pasta without you!

Ken's Besu: *Hears a sound* Yep, he's coming.

Ken's Keru: That was a good one, Honcho.

Rantaro: I know.

The BeyClub hears some noises and then Valt aproches with a zombie appearance and zombie noises.

Wakiya: *Teases Valt* Once again, a Valt Aoi appears.

Rantaro: At least he came.

Valt: Foooood~ I need Foo~ *Acts like a zombie*

Shu: Just a zombie that doesn't bite anyone. *Gives Valt Pasta*

Valt: Ahhh~ *Drooling*

Valt: *Eating Cutely*

Shu: *Smiles*

Rantaro: *Looks at Shu and grins* Quit staring at Valt. I need a plate too!

Shu: Sure- But can you stop with that phrase.

Rantaro: *Chuckles* It's easy to get your attention this way.

Wakiya: Hurry up. We gotta get moving.

Daigo: We've to reach the savanna grassland right? *Looks at the map*

Wakiya: Um hm. But it's way far than you think. So hurry up. We're leaving now.

After that,

The BeyClub were now on their way to the Savanna grassland. The journey is going smoothly so far but soon they have to get out of Wakiya's Van and set out on foot to reach their destination.

Valt: *Excited* Look another Zebra!

Wakiya: You are too excited Valt.

Valt: But But But! It's really Awesome!!

Rantaro: He is in high Valtage~

Wakiya: Don't start with your lame jokes.

Shu: *Chuckles* It's going to be a long heartwarming journey.

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