Birthday Special (Ken)

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(A/N: Sorry I'm late for his birthday)

Valt: How about tickets to the amusement park?

Shu: I'm not so sure. Ken is the type to like calm places.

Rantaro: Wait. Not even a concert?

Daigo: No.

Wakiya: This is taking us no where. How are we supposed to prepare the things if we can't even decide on a place yet?

The atmosphere was quite. The bladers couldn't decide on a place where they could celebrate their Shy puppeteer's birthday.

Valt: How about a place that he treasures the most?

Rantaro: And that is...?

Daigo: ...The beyblade stadium on the rooftop.

Shu: Makes sense. It has been a memorable place for all of us.

Valt: Let's do that!

Wakiya: At least we were able to decide on one thing on the list. *Scribbles something on a paper*

Rantaro: Alright! Only two days left. We should hurry.

Just like that the bladers regained their enthusiasm and carried on with the surprise party they were holding. Most of the things had been decided by the end of the day......except one. That was the special surprise gift for their friend.

Rantaro: Surprise gift huh?

Valt: How about mega sized bey breads?

Wakiya: Everyone's not a food freak like you Valt.

Shu: That's rude Wakiya. Anyway, bey breads are already on the food list. So that's out of the options.

Rantaro: What about Music? Like CD or something?

Wakiya: That'd be better fit for Zac instead.

Rantaro: Hey! All you're doing is rejecting our ideas!

Wakiya: Because you're giving stupid ideas!

Daigo: Guys, we are going off topic.

Shu: Ken has always been into making dolls and puppets, right?

Daigo: *Nods* He is quite a professional at that.

Valt: Then I know just the thing we could do!

Valt motions his friends to come closer and whispers something to them.

Rantaro: That actually sounds perfect for him!

Shu: It'd be a lot of work though. Are you okay with that?

Valt: Anything for Ken!

Daigo: True. *Smiles*

Wakiya: Wait really? *Sigh* We have to hurry up if we really want that to happen.

Rantaro: Woah! Wakiya didn't rejected the idea this time.

Wakiya: Why'd I? ... I mean it's sounds ok.

Rantaro: *About to tease*

Daigo: Guys! We have work to do!

Just like that the BeyClub began preparing for Ken's surprise present.

Shu: Can you pass me the scissors?

Daigo: Here.

Rantaro: Where are the paint brushes? Wakiya!

Wakiya: Find it yourself!

Rantaro: *Pouts*

Wakiya: What have you made Valt!? It looks like a baked potato!

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