If Beyblade Characters were actors and Beyblade Burst was a movie

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(This idea came to my mind when I was wondering how Shu always gets an unexpected role.)

Hiro Morita: Okay everyone, this movie will mostly contain boys.

Nika, Chiharu, Chris, Shasa, Naru, Gumita, Ichika and some other girls of the show: 💢💢💢

Hiro Morita: Please don't glare at me. I'll give you some characters.

On creating Season 1:

Hiro Morita: For this season Valt Aoi will be the main character.

Shu: *whispers to him* Can you make me the protagonist's Best Friend? (Thinking: So that I can get more screen time.😏)

Hiro Morita: Oh sure, Shu Kurenai will be the deuteragonist...

Free: *search for his parts* um. I don't think I'm on this one. *finds another script and reads it* Oh, so I'm gonna be the strongest Blader since season 1 even though I'm not in it.

Hiro Morita: Gyahh! *snatch the script* Don't give spoilers. It's my Season 2 script. Well it's not completed though.

On creating season 2:

Hiro Morita: Alright everyone please stop fighting. I'm announcing that the protagonist won't be changed!

Valt: Yay!!

Aiger: *who was supposed to be the protagonist this time* No fair!

Shu: So I'm the deuteragonist again?

Lui: I don't care. I can crush him like last time.

Free: Do I get a part this time or I can go to my A.C cabin to sleep.

Hiro Morita: Wait Free! You're getting a part. You're the tritagonist.

Free: I don't know what that means but I'm okay with it.

Hiro Morita: *talks to himself* I wonder if I should make Lui the antagonist again.

Shu: *hears that and walks towards him and whispers again* I can be the antagonist this time. It would be an unexpected plot for the audience.

Hiro Morita: Hmmm. I'm fine with it. Okay everyone. This time it's Shu Kurenai who is going to be the antagonist.

Lui: WHAT!?!?!

On creating season 3:

Hiro Morita: As I promised, this time its Aiger who will be the protagonist.

Aiger: Yeah!!

Valt: I'll still get some screen time right?

Rantaro: What about me? What about me?

Hiro Morita: ...I better not tell.

Hyde/Hearts: This script is all wrong! Why Phi will be destroying my Bey?!

Phi: Isn't it obvious? Coz I'm better than you. *smirk*

Hiro Morita: Please calm down.

Shu: *whispers to him again* I've got another idea.

Hiro Morita: Again?

Shu: Yeah, I think you should make me the protagonist's trainer.

Hiro Morita: It's a unique opinion but it will be weird if a monkey-like protagonist has a trainer.

Aiger: *hears that* WHO ARE YOU CALLING A MONKEY?!

Hiro Morita: Gah! Sorry. *Thinking* Hm, I've got an idea Shu.

Shu: What is it?

Hiro Morita: You're going to be the Protagonist's Friend's trainer.

Shu: Huh?

Hiro Morita: Well, perhaps you might train Aiger later in the series but I'm still not sure.

Shu: I'm okay with it... (Thinking: ...if I can get more screen time.)

Aiger: I don't need a teacher. It will be so childish.

Ranjiro: Yep, coz a monkey bey-blader shouldn't have a trainer. It would look weird.

Aiger: What did you say Broom-head? 💢

On creating season 4:

Hiro Morita: This time, the protagonist will be Drum.

Drum: What? Me? Really? *flustered and coming closer every time he says a word*

Hiro Morita: Yes...but why are you so close? *says awkwardly*

Lui: *reads the script* This season sucks.

Gwyn: So, I'm going to be an antagonist who will come after the fake antagonist. Interesting.

Arther: I'm not FAKE!

Free: Fumiya, you better fit my character. You'll have Fafnir.

Fumiya: Of course! *claps dramatically* I'll be just like you! The strongest Blader!

Free: Oh no. He doesn't looks sleepy. *disappointed*

Shu: *whispers again* You know, you should've made me...

Hiro Morita: No, I've to decline. I've a really awesome idea for the next season. So I don't want the legends to show up in this season...except for Valt.

Shu: I see. Then I've another idea for the next season.

Hiro Morita: You never quit. Do you?

Shu: Don't tell me you don't like my ideas. *takes a look at the script* Anyway, I think you should make me the antagonist's trainer this time.

Hiro Morita: That's!..It'll be interesting...I suppose I can agree with that.

Shu: *smiles* okay then. (Thinking: Now I can get more screen time and tag teaming with the villain might make me reach the finals even though winning to the protagonist is impossible.)


Lain: *playing with his hedgehog*

A/N: This one is just the whole thing in short. I might make a part 2 later if you all are okay with it.

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