Chapter #10: That night

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June 4, 2019
10:00 pm
We got out of the pizza hut when I got a call from Zack. Missy and Sam were already in the car. Ollie stayed behind with me. My face went into immediate shock.
"What's going on?" She asked.
"We gotta go," I said.
I grabbed her hand and headed to the car.
"What's going on?" She asked, stopping behind my car.
"Zack was shot. We need to go get him."
We both headed into the car. I handed her my phone, and she started directions. We soon made it to his car. He slipped, sitting back in the driver's seat. I attempted to open the door.
"Shit!" I said.
Like a crackhead, Sam ran and punched the window.
"That works."
I grabbed Zack's passed-out body.
"Sam, what the hell?" Missy pipped in.
Sam grabbed his keys and grabbed his bag.
"Let's go!" Ollie demanded.
Ollie climbed into the back of my car.
"I know advanced first aid," She explained.
I soon put Zack back there with her. Then, I got back in the car and began to drive.

June 4, 2019
9:00 pm
Well, there was a girl with advanced first aid knowledge—a kid who was shot in front of her. The only thing she had was a first aid kit from Walmart. I checked his heart rate, and it was low. So I broke the kit open and took off the kid's blood-soaked sweatshirt. I saw he tied his shirt to his shoulder. I saw blood covering his chest.
"How's it going, Ollie?" Evan asked.
"We need rubbing alcohol," I responded.
"We have some at the cabin." Sam pipped in.
"How long until then?"
"Five minutes."
I cut the sweatshirt off his shoulder. I saw the body attempting to heal itself. The only thing that was stopping it was the bullet. I grabbed gloves and strapped them onto my hands. Before I could do anything. Evan threw the back of the car open. He grabbed Zack and ran inside. Same, and Missy ran in front of it and took everything off the table.
Evan placed him on the table.
"Okay, what can we do to help?" Evan asked.
"Get me alcohol," I demanded.
"Rubbing or Drinking?"
Sam brought rubbing alcohol and a better first aid kit. I kicked the chairs away from the table. Missy did the same. I moved the shredded shirt off of him.
"Here goes nothing," I said under my breath. "Washcloth."
Sam handed me a white washcloth. I dabbed it with rubbing alcohol. Then, I began to clean the entrance wound.
"Tweezers," I demanded.
Evan handed me them. I took what I thought was the bullet out. Blood started coming out.
"Shit!" I placed the cloth on top of the wound.
It soon started to bleed on the table.
"The hell?" I asked. "Hey, can you lift him?"
Sam and Evan soon got on the side of Zack. They lifted him. I soon saw the exit wound.
"It went through," I explained. "Put him down."
"Gauze," I demanded.
Missy handed me the gauze. I tore it open. I put it onto the wound.
"Tape," I demanded.
Missy gave it to me. I taped around the gauze.
"We need to turn him around," I explained.
Evan and Sam flipped him over. I soon did the same steps from before.
"We need to get him up," I explained.
Both of the boys stood him up, and I wrapped an ace bandage around his shoulder. Next, I took Zack's pulse. Amazingly he still had a pulse.
"He needs sleep," I said.
The boys took him to the other room. Missy helped me clean the table. When I went to wash my hands, Missy soon pipped up.

June 4, 2019
10:00 pm
Everything went from a fun night eating at a restaurant to a do-it-yourself surgery in the kitchen. I was shocked by how my cousin knew all that medical stuff.
"How did you know what to do?" I asked.
"I-I didn't." She responded.
"Wait, Really?"
We both looked at each other and laughed. Then, I began to think about who was left.
"I think we need to call Bailey." I brought it up.
"Why?" She asked.
"To make sure she's okay and to warn her about what happened."
"It's eleven pm, Missy."
"Let's just call, and if she doesn't answer, then I will leave a message."
I dug into my pocket for my phone. The boys came out of Zack's room.
"Sorry, We were changing," Sam explained.
"I should do that," Ollie mentioned.
Evan proceeds to hug Ollie.
"Thank you for saving my friend's life." He told her.
"Awe." I teased. "We need to call Bailey,"
I mentioned again as I brought out my phone.

June 4, 2019
11:00 pm
Missy brought her phone out. Two rings before a voice came over the phone. Missy had it on the speaker.
"Hello?" Bailey asked.
"This is Bailey? Right?" I asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"Okay, good."
"Where are you?" Missy asked.
It was only Missy, Evan, and I. Ollie had run upstairs to change her blood-soaked clothes.
"Shreveport, Louisiana Why?" Bailey asked.
"How long until you get here?"
"Another day or so."
"What's going on?"
"Zack was shot."
"What the hell?"
"I think someone is after us, so be careful."
"Okay, we will."
"Hopefully, I will see you tomorrow."
"See you later."
She hung up the phone. Missy began to shake. Evan soon ran upstairs. Ollie and Evan were cute together. I grabbed Missy's hand to calm her down.
"This is messed up, you know." She continued." This whole situation."
"I know," I responded. "We have each other."
"I know, it still sucks." She continued. "How is your hand?"
"Fine. I'll never punch through a window like that again."
"Ya, but hey, you saved Zack."
"I didn't."
"You saved us lethal minutes."
After a couple of minutes of silence, Missy pipped up.
"I'm going to bed." She said.
"Night," I responded.

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