Chapter#23: The Truth

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June 10, 2019
9:00 am
    I felt my throat close up when Missy asked that question.
        "It's a long story." I managed to get out.
        "What do you mean 'It's a long story?" missy asked.
        "Missy let's find a place to stay the night, and then we can talk," Bailey explained.
    She tried to calm down the group.
        "How? We don't have a house." Zack interrupted Sam.
        "What happened to the cabin?"Sam asked.
        "They burnt it down," Bailey explained.
        "We don't have money. We had to steal gas. How are we going to get a place to sleep that isn't the fucking car."Zack freaked out.
    Like a prayer from above, a text rang out from everyone's phone.
"Your Room is ready at the Marriott Inn."
    A second text soon rang out after.
        "1401 SW Naito Parkway, Portland OR."
        "What the hell?" Zack questioned.
        "It's a miracle from above!" I joked.
  "Zack, did you get a sugar daddy?"Sam asked.
        "Of course." Zack laughed.
    We all piled into the car. Missy drove us to the hotel. I felt nervous about going to the hotel. I wasn't the only one.
        "The name of the rooms are under...Ollie."
    Another text came in. Something came over me. I, out of anger, texted back.
        "No, Evan!" The mysterious person sent another text. "I will meet you in the lobby."
    Missy parked the car. I took a deep breath.
        "Okay, guys, let's go," I said, getting out of the car.
        "Hey, Evan?" Zack asked
        "Sup!"I answered, heading to the door.
        "Are you okay?"
        "I'm fine."
    He grabbed my shoulder.
        "Are you? Are you really?"
        "I need to get my best friend back."
    I walked into the front doors with everyone else in my toe. A guy in battered clothes sat in the lobby.
        "Riley?"Zack asked.

June 10, 2019
    I saw a familiar face in the lobby.
        "Riley?" I asked.
        "Zack?"He responded.
    I ran and hugged him.
        "I'm sorry," I whispered in his ear.
        "Why are you sorry?"
        "We never went on our date."
        "Hey, hey, hey... it's okay. We need to talk."
    He looked at the group.
        "You might have a lot of questions." He announced to the group." I'll try to answer everything. We need to get in a more private place."
    He gave out the keycards, and we headed up to our rooms.

June 10, 2019
10:30 pm
    I got the same room as Evan. I opened the door and got a burst of cold air on my face.
        "Meet me in room 505 by 11:00 pm." Riley sent the text out.
    Evan jumped onto his bed. He soon began to stare off into space.
    "Are you okay?" I asked.
        "I'm good." He responded.
        "We will find her, Evan."
        "I don't doubt that... I'm more scared about missy's reaction."
        "What do you mean?"
        "Sam, she kicked your ass when Ollie got hurt. How do you think she is going to respond when she finds out I let her go."
        "You can't blame yourself."
        "What? How?"
        "They had that dumb gun pressed toward us." I continued. "There was no way we could've fought back."
I got into the shower. It was nice having the feeling of water just hit my face. I never appreciated showers until I couldn't have one. I got out, and there were fresh clothes on my bed.
        "Where did these come from?" I questioned.
        "Riley," Evan answered.
    He was distracted by his phone.
        "How did he know my sizes?" I asked.
        "I don't know," Evan responded.
    Evan headed into the bathroom and took a shower. I looked through my clothes. A white tank, a gray sweatshirt as well as black soccer shorts. I still had my black Nike's on. They were highly worn.
        "Did you get new clothes?" Bailey texted.
        "Yep!" I responded.
        "With your exact sizes?"
        "Weird, right?"
        "We need to talk."
        "Okay, let's meet in the lobby."

June 10, 2019
10:30 pm
    I was panicking. Was I going to confess my feelings for Sam? Eva got out of the shower.
   "You good, sis?" Eva asked.
        "I'm going to tell Sam," I answered.
    I felt my cheeks blush.
        "Shut up."
    My new clothes were a blue flannel, ripped jeans, and a white sweatshirt. The converse I was wearing was utterly destroyed. A new pair was on my bed. There was another pair of socks in the shoe box. There was also a new pair of underwear and a bra. I just ignored how Riley knew all of my sizes. I began to head outside.
        "Good luck," Eva said while I was in the doorway.
    I took a deep breath and headed into the hallway. I got into the elevator and headed down to the lobby. My heart was pounding in my chest. I finally saw him. He had brand new clean clothes, and his brown hair was still wet like he just got out of the shower.
        "What's up?" He asked.
        "Um...this is going to make things weird b-but...I like you." I managed to get out as I felt my face blush.
"I like you too, bud."
        "No, Sam... I like, like you."
    There was an awkward silence.
        "Oh!" He responded.
        "Ya!" I answered. "I knew this was going to hap-"
He grabbed my face and kissed me. I felt my face blush even more.
        "That was a good way to tell me to shut up." I giggled.
        "I like, like you too, you dork," he said.
    He wrapped his hands around my waist. We talked and couldn't stop looking into each other's eyes. Then I noticed that it was time to head up to the room.

June 10, 2019
    I got my new clothes which were a black romper with a new set of underwear. I took a shower, met Eva in the hallway, and walked to the room we were meeting in. We slowly opened the door. Evan and Zack were sitting on chairs while Riley was sitting on the bed.
        "Where's Sam?" I asked.
        "I don't know...he left the room while I was in the shower," Evan explained.
        "Well, bailey went to the lobby to talk to Sam." Eva pipped up.
        "When was that?" I asked.
        "Do you think something happened?"
      "I'll text her."
    A knock on the door scared us. I went and opened it.
        "Hi, guys!" Bailey said.
    She was holding Sam's hand. They both sat on the other twin bed. Riley stood up in front of the tv. 
        "Okay, I'll make this quick. My name is Riley Knight. My parents lead an organization that studies the paranormal." He continued." My parents put me on case 5BCI678. The case my dad's parents put them on."
        "What's case 5BCI678?" I asked.
        "In 1949, a burst of energy was sent out, and six kids gained different powers. According to my parents, they worked peacefully with us."
        "What happened to make that change?"
        "Your grandparents decided to cut off communications with us."
        "Why are you telling us this now?" Evan asked.
       "I found out what your great-grandparents went through...and I became a I fell in love."
        "With me?" Zack pipped up.
    He shook his head. Zack got up and kissed Riley.
        "So you do have a sugar daddy Zack." Evan joked.
    Zack flipped Evan off.
        "Anyway, why did they want Ollie?" Sam asked.
        "That is a little more complicated," Riley explained.
        "What do you mean, complicated?" Evan pipped up.
        "Something came across her file."
        "Were you in a relationship with her?"
        "Well, I don't know how to explain this, but...we picked up something on our scan."

June 10, 2019
    I'm not sure, but it began on June 10. The door opened, and I was thrown out of the truck. My knees dragged me to the ground. One of the guards came behind me and placed a bandanna over my eyes.
        "Up!" he demanded.
    We began to walk to what felt like nowhere.
        "STOP!" He demanded.
    I did what he said, and then he took the bandanna off. I was in a dark white hallway that looked like an abandoned hospital.
        "SIT!" He demanded.
    He shoved me into a wheelchair. The guard placed handcuffs on me and strapped me on the chair. He wheeled me down the hallway into a white room.
        "Don't try anything," he laughed. "You can't; this room is tinted in the blocker. The same technology is in the gun. I have to make you the weak bitch you are."
        "W-what do you want with me? I asked.
        "Not with you; we couldn't give less of a shit about you." He pointed his gun at my stomach." We care about what's growing in there."
    He slammed the door, and for the first time, I let myself cry. I don't think I stopped until they gave me my first dinner.

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