Chapter#27:The Night Before the Storm

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June 14, 2019
    We finally reached Naples, Florida. I parked on the side of the road. I climbed over the chair and sat on the console, holding my phone.
        "What is the address of the compound?" I asked Riley.
  "I'm not telling you." He responded.
    This was only after Zack took the sock out of his mouth. Missy soon grabbed his backpack and got his computer out.
        "What's your password?" Zack asked.
    He put the gun to his crotch.
        "Okay, fine! The address is 1568 Courtway drive." Riley answered.
        "God, you are a bitch!" Zack answered.
        "We need as much energy to fight if we need to. I mentioned. Let's go tomorrow."
        "I think that's a good idea," Evan responded.
    Zack placed the sock back into his mouth. We all began to make the big bed that we made in the night's past.

June 15, 2019
8:00 am
    We all woke up the following day. There was a weird vibe from everyone; we were all scared. Bailey climbed over the front seat and got into the driver's seat. Sam climbed into the passenger seat. Evan, Eva, and I began to push up the chairs of the car. Zack soon got into the back to watch guard over the prisoner.
        "Are you guys ready?" Sam asked.
    No one responded. Sam grabbed Bailey's hand.
        "Guys." Evan pipped up. "We have been through hell and back. We can do this!"
        "Let's get Ollie back," I said.
        "FOR OLLIE!" Sam cheered.
        "FOR OLLIE!" The group cheered.
    Bailey began to drive to what looked like an abandoned building. There was a gate surrounding it. Bailey soon parked in front of the entrance. Zack unhooked Riley and put down the chairs in the back. Evan took the gun. Evan shoved Riley out of the back of the car. Riley fell to his knees.

June 15, 2019
    I placed a gun on Riley's head. He was on the ground. I looked into the camera. 
        "Get you, higher-ups, out here with Olivia Carlson!" I demanded.
    The gates suddenly opened, and a familiar face ran out of the entrance. She ran to the group. A group menacingly walked behind her. They finally met up with the group.
        "This is Riley Knight. I will take major gratification of pulling the trigger I won't. I will let him go if you meet my demands." I continued. "Number one, leave my family and me alone. Number two, Give us the address to our great grandparent's cabin. Number three, Erase all of the information you have on us. Number four, give my family and my money to live comfortably. Number five, Don't come back in my family's life, not now, not ever."
        "Fine!" The leader said.
    I pushed him to the group. The gates closed. They placed a card on the ground through the bars. I turned around and saw a frail Ollie. I ran and hugged her.
        "You must be freezing." I pulled off my sweatshirt.
    She took off my old sweatshirt and put on the one I gave her. She kissed me, and I wrapped my arms around her.
        "Don't let me go." She responded.
    She was holding me as her life depended on it.
        "Never." I kissed her forehead.
    Soon us hugging turned into a group hug.
        "Let's go home," Sam said.
    We all piled into the car, and I got in the back with Ollie.

Day 9
    Two guards opened my door that night.
        "You're free to go!" One guard said reluctantly.
        "What?" I asked.
    I ran out and down the hallway. I continued as no one stopped me. I finally made it to the light at the end of the tunnel. I soon saw a familiar group of people. I ran into the arms of Missy. She fell on her butt.
        "Holy shit." She cried.
        "Hi," I responded.
    I took a deep breath of fresh air. I heard the gates close, and I stood up and turned to see the shocked face of Evan. He ran and hugged me. You know what happened, we got into the car. Evan was holding me. This didn't seem real.
        "Is this a dream?" I asked.
        "Of course not." He answered. "I promise this is real."
        "So... I'm free?"
        "Yes, baby." He kissed me.
    I soon fell asleep in his arms.

June 15, 2019
        "Do you think we have money?" I asked Bailey.
        "We better," Bailey explained.
    Missy soon dug into Riley's backpack. She opened his computer and started to type.
        "What the hell?" Missy questioned.
        "What?" I asked.
        "His password is so dumb." She began to laugh.
        "Let me guess its password," Eva asked.
    This caused the group to laugh. She soon logged into the bank app that the card was linked to.
        "Holy fuck." Missy said. "They left a lot of money."
    Soon a bloody murder scream came from the back. Ollie was trying to catch her breath.
        "I'm sorry." She said.
    Evan grabbed her and hugged her.
        "It's okay, babe," Evan responded.
        "Do you have any food?" Ollie asked.
        "Let's go get food," I told bailey.
    She drove to a fast food place. We soon parked, and everyone got out.

June 15, 2019
    We got into the fast-food restaurant. Missy took Ollie to get changed into fresh clothes. The others ordered food and sat down. Missy soon took Ollie to the bathroom. When Ollie got back, Evan got up and hugged her. My mind was in a weird place.
        "I'm sorry." I managed to get out.
        "For what?" Ollie asked.
        "Zack, no," Evan demanded.
        "No, tell me!" She demanded.
        "I dated the son of the head of the compound," I explained.
        "Oh," Ollie responded.
    An awkward silence fell over the group.
        "Look, I might be severely dehydrated and malnourished. She grabbed my hands. I know you didn't mean harm and probably didn't know he was bad."
    We told her everything that happened when she was gone. She explained the hell she went through, and we were back in the car. We drove to a nearby hotel, and luckily, two suites were opened. Evan, Ollie, Missy, and Zack were in one room. Bailey, Eva, Sam were in the other one. We went to bed for the night.

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