Chapter#24: Brainstorm

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June 10, 2019
11:30 pm
        "Pregnant?" I continued to panic. "Fuck,...she must be terrified. All I want is her to be safe with us...with me."
    I fell to my knees and felt tears come down my face. I felt raindrops come down in the room. Sam sat next to me. Everyone soon got into a group hug. After that, the rain stopped. An awkward silence fell over the room.
        "Do you want to take down the company?" Riley broke the silence.
        "Yes, but how?" I asked.
        "I-I think you guys need sleep. We will figure this out tomorrow at breakfast."

June 10, 2019
11:30 pm
    I got up and kissed Bailey's forehead. I then helped Evan back to the room.
        "Night, everyone," I said.
    We both began to walk out when Evan started to form sentences again.
        "I miss her." He said
        "I know, buddy," I responded.
        " and Bailey are a thing?"
        "Cool, you guys look cute together."
        "Thanks, bro."
        "Your welcome, bro."
    We finally got to the front door of our room.
         "I think we need some sleep, friend." I explained to him."
        "I think I agree." He answered by opening the door.
    He headed straight to bed. I walked in toe to see two suitcases. Evan has already opened it to reveal new clothes. I grabbed my suitcase off my bed and fell asleep.

June 11, 2019
7:00 am
        "Hey, nerd, get the fuck up," Eva said, poking my cheek.
        "Morning to you too," I responded.
        "I want Starbucks."
        "Oh, okay."
    I got up and got dressed in ripped jean shorts and a sweatshirt.
        "Can I invite Sam?" I asked.
        "No...sorry...I just want breakfast with my best friend." She explained.
        "Oh, okay."
    I soon grabbed my phone.
        "Morning <3," I texted Sam.
    Then we were off. We walked into a local Starbucks. We ordered and then sat down.
        "So, what's up?" I asked.
        "Life has gotten crazy." She said.
        "No kidding."
        "Like everything changed only in two weeks."
        "Of course not."
        "Good...So what do you think about Sam?"
        "He's great."
    She looked at me like she wanted to say something.
        "I need to tell you something." She explained
        "Oh no." I thought to myself.
        "For the longest time, I always saw rom coms and didn't understand why they fell in love. I thought I was gay, but I realized I'm not attracted to anyone." She covered her face. "Is something wrong with me?"
        "Oh, sis, nothing is wrong with you," I explained. "You might be asexual." I consoled her.
        "Oh." She responded.
        "Hey, you accept my mutant ass. Hell, you can be a fucking dragonkin, and I will still be your best friend."
    I went over to her chair and hugged her.
      "I love you bitch." I joked.
        "I ain't ever gonna stop loving you bitch." She responded, giggling.
        "Aggressive guitar strums."
        "Meet in room 504 for a group brainstorming at 8 am." Riley texted the group.

June 11, 2019
7:30 am
    I woke up that morning to see Riley looking at his phone.
        "Morning," I said.
        "Morning, you nerd." Riley walked over and kissed my forehead. "Everyone is coming at eight."
    I sat up and saw a Starbucks bag.
        "I didn't know what you wanted, but I got you food." He explained.
    I got up and hugged him.
        "Thank you," I said.
    He kissed my head. I then kissed him.
        "You're welcome."
    I soon grabbed the food and sat in bed. He came and sat next to me. I held his hand and placed my head on his shoulder. Soon everyone came in for the meeting. Eva and Bailey walked in with Starbucks.
        "Morning, nerds," Eva said, heading to one of the chairs.
        "Morning!" Riley and I responded.
    Not soon after Sam and Evan arrived, Evan was not talking and looked like he didn't get much sleep. Missy was behind them.
        "Now that we are all here, let's talk!" Riley said.
        "Let's get my girl back," Evan said, sitting on the ground.

June something
    My second day in the compound. I woke up to scientists coming into my room.
        "Patient 4402TT." The lead scientist said to the group.
        "I have a name," I responded.
       "I have a name."
        "I know, and I don't care."
    Another scientist set up a camera.
        "Test 001." The leading scientist turned to me. "I want you to jump."
        "I can't do it on a whim," I explained.
        "I don't give a shit."
        "What about the machinery restricting my powers?"
        "It's off."
        "I can't do it."
    Another scientist handed her a gun.
       "Do it, or you and your child will be left to bleed out and die."
    She placed the gun on my cheek.
        "I can't."
    She loaded the gun. I soon felt the blood come from my nose. I felt the energy come from my nose. I momentarily blacked out. I woke up in the middle of a trail.
        "Where am I?" I asked myself.
  I soon heard people come toward me. I soon saw some kids come down the trail.
        "Hey, are you okay?" A girl asked.
        "I'm fine," I responded.
    I looked up to see a weirdly familiar face.
        "You look in bad shape. Let me help you." She said, offering her hand.
    I soon reached up to give her my hand when the ground from under me collapsed. She caught me by grabbing my forearm.
        "I've got you." She said, pulling me up.
        "Thank you!" I said, hugging her.
        "Hey, let me help you with that gnarly black eye."
    She helped me up, and we walked to a house. There were adults inside arguing. So she helped me onto the porch. I couldn't help but listen to what they were saying.
        "They are still on our ass." Someone said,
        "Our kids deserve a normal life." Another person said.
        "Okay, so that's it we are cutting off communications?" A third person pipped up.
        "Nothing has happened to us. Is it that big of a deal if we keep in touch."
        "We need to keep our future grandchildren safe."
        "Fine, no one can know about any of this."
        "Agreed." The group said.
    The girl soon came out holding an ice pack.
        "What's your name?" she asked.
        "Olivia, but my nickname is Ollie," I responded.
        "That's a pretty name. My name is Paige."
        "What's your last name?"
        "Archer, why?"
       "Oh shit!"
        "How old are you?"
        "Ten, why?"
        "What is today?"
        "June 17, 1989, why?"
    I felt the blood come down my face from my nose. I took a deep breath.
        "This is going to sound crazy, but I'm your future daughter," I explained.
        "Cool." She answered.
        "You're not freaked out?"
        "My grandma can move things with her mind."
        "Oh right."
        "I'll see you later."
    I got up and hugged her. I woke up in the room once again.

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