WTF zombie y u gotta eat ma teach?

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School's the stupidest thing ever! Especially during the zombie apocalypse!

Mr Weeden: okay class tonight you'll have two pages of homework! And remember to show work!

Me: bullshit

Mr Weeden: Come on Ethan! Homework is important!

Dom: it's worth five points!

Mr. Weeden: I know that! But it makes meh feel special when u do ur work

Me: creep

Mr. Weeden: okay Britney pass out the HW

Britney: Okay!

Me: whore

Britney: why does everyone hate meh *crawls in corner*

Jordan: because u a bitch

Britney: *cries louder*

Mr Weeden: okay Britney get out of the fucking corner and pass out the HW

Britney: okay *slowly passes out hw*

Me: this is a fucked up school

Dom: tell meh about it

Mr. Weeden: okay class see ya'll- *zombie comes out of nowhere and eats him*

Me: *pulls out phone* gotta record this shit

Everyone else: AAAHHHHH!!!!!! *Runs out of room*

Me: Damnit why I do I gotta follow the majority *runs out room*

Breanna: Ethan there be zombies everywhere

Me: I know! Isn't fucking amazing?!

Breanna: my friend died...

Me: bitch u depressing

Breanna: fine I'll go *runs into zombie* fuck dis shit *runs in opposite direction*

Me: ughhhh I need to get the fuck outta here *runs to nearest exit*

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