The battle 4 the last doughnut

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Me: is it dead? *pokes unconscious fat child*

Breanna: I think it's alive *pokes fat child with rifle*

Matthew: ur gonna shoot him

Breanna: y would I care

Nick: gurl you cray

Abby: check it's bag!

Olvia: there's probably a stash of gay porn *reading book*

Abby: *checks bag* there is... *pulls out gay porn*

Matthew: DIBS *grabs porn and stuffs it into his bag*

Everyone but Matt: awkward

Ryan: *springs up* where's the doughnuts!!!!!

Everyone: what?

Ryan: the doughnuts

Breanna: you have doughnuts?!?!

Ryan: no...

Breanna: *tackles ryan* don't lie to me honey BoBo child

Ryan: *struggling 2 keep his bag safe*

Me: if I had a charged phone right now I'd record dis shit

Everyone but Bre and Ryan: *laughing their asses off

Olivia: ten dollars on Honey BoBo

Abby: same

Nick and Matt: *still laughing*

Me: I can end this *pulls bag away from both of them*

Ryan and Bre: ;-;

Me: *pulls out doughnut* really? It's not even frosted

Ryan: pls don't hurt it!

Me: ur obviously mentally unstablel *drops doughnut*

Breanna: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MA DOUGHNUT *hysterically crying*

Ryan: *staring at doughnut* that might have been the last one...

Me: who gives a shit *shoots ryan in the face*

Everyone else: *applauding* ur the most inspirational person evar

Me: all I did was shoot an unstable fat honey bobo look a like...

Everyone else: exactly

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